
I have a wheat sensitivity and eggs, alone, have begun to bother me again, eggs began to bother me after my second child was born. What do you recommend for breakfast that is filling and quick without wheat and eggs.


  • CarinnaGetsFit
    CarinnaGetsFit Posts: 1 Member
    Fage plain nonfat yogurt with a bit of maple syrup or honey, some fruit, and granola is my go-to weekday breakfast. That brand of yogurt has a ton of protein, and I find it to be satisfying enough. This might be too high in sugar for some, I suppose...
    There's always oatmeal also! Add some nuts for protein, I like using trail mix.
  • valleemic
    valleemic Posts: 103 Member
    edited July 2015
    My favourite is a shake:
    1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
    1 cup of vanilla unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup frozen berries

    Blend in Magic Bullet or blender.
