How did I get here?

A few years ago I was fit and athletic and felt great about myself. Then some very trying life events took their toll on me, including some health issues, a broken heart, and many other losses. Food was my comfort during all soothing and reliable and always there for me when I was down. Emotional eating took over my life.:embarassed: I ended up gaining and gaining and feeling ashamed about my inability to control my impulse to eat..
They say when your ready, your ready, and that time finally came when I hit rock bottom and realized I didin't fit an any of my clothes anymore. So somehow, I ended up on MFP. I had a feeling that I needed the community of support and the constant reinforcement. I've made it through the first two weeks and I'm committed to this process now. I'm in the zone.
Thanks for everyone's support and encouragement.:blushing: I'm humbled to see how so many strangers can offer me so much and make such a difference. I hope I can be of service to my MFP buddies in the same way.


  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    It is funny how it sneaks up on us! Even just a few pounds and a uh oh moment, like clothes not fitting can sometimes be hard to comprehend. My uh oh moment was in several pictures as well as clothes. Am glad you are part of our group! Well done!
  • ritarampage
    ritarampage Posts: 32
    I feel you on this entirely. I was heavy most of my life, then managed to lose a ton of weight a few years ago. I was a size two just four years ago. Now I'm buying size twelves again and just barely fitting into them. It's frustrating, it's confusing, but overall, it's TEMPORARY.

    Good luck! I know you're going to make it back to being healthy again.