Third time's a charm, maybe?

This is my 3rd time here. I failed the first two times, but I'm back with new ambition and determination. I have over 100lbs to lose.

A lot of my friends that I had are no longer active, so I'm hoping to gain some new, encouraging friends. Please feel free to add me.


  • eothella
    eothella Posts: 2 Member

    I am looking to lose 50lbs so I need motivation and support too.
  • samathome64
    samathome64 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been on and off many times...I do well when I use this... so going for the gold this time!
    25th anniversary in just over a month and vacation in just over 2 months, hope to look great for both! Looking to loose 35-40 lbs.
  • dbrown911
    dbrown911 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm at 100lbs to lose as well!
  • 5Mack
    5Mack Posts: 15 Member
    Go for it everyone! I want to shed about 15kg (33Ib) of bodyfat so I don't have to suffer the dreaded tightening of all my clothes. I have to admit I only lost weight the first time I used mfp. After that I cheated quite a bit or just didn't care but not this time!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Get rid of that maybe nonsense.

    Will be, Must be, Gunna Be!!!
  • NerdGirl84
    NerdGirl84 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me! My total weight loss goal is 70 lbs.
  • slks320
    slks320 Posts: 17 Member
    You can add me! This was also my post..
    Third time i am trying to get to a healthy weight this time i don't want to stop until i do!
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I'll add you. I'm pretty active on the app. Diary is open so your free to look at what I have for meals ( it's so basic and boring but its what works for me :P)