motivation for my boyfriend

i'm slowly working on my boyfriend to eat better... i know he sees the change in me, and i know he's feeling down about himself... i don't want to push him too much, but i really, really want him to do this for HIM, to feel better and to live a healthier life. any tips/advice?

he does walk the dog, he does eat a decent dinner and i try to keep unhealthy stuff out of the house... but mostly i think he snacks too much and just overeats/eats too fast. he also doesn't like to work out with me... he says he only wants to do it alone.


  • thibautseeker
    thibautseeker Posts: 69 Member
    Has he any friends who work out at gym, run, jog or swim? May be he could join them as a bit of male bonding time?
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I have the same problem with my babe. He started with me, but it seems like he doesn't really have much interest anymore and doesn't exercise. I offer to have him walk with me, but he always says no. I think he's embarrassed to tell you the truth. I'm not sure how to motivate him. I don't live with my man, but if I did I would do all the cooking and then he can see how tasty healthy eating actually is. Maybe get a Wii and that might help in his interest in getting exercise.
  • 2nyce
    2nyce Posts: 37
    You could try a reward system, which could be something like if he exercises a set number of times he gets something he likes from you. Like if he workout 2 times a week for month you take him to dinner or tickets to a baseball game whatever he likes or is reasonable. Make sure to keep giving him support about walking the dog praise can be great motivator.