For those of you who cycle...

lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
This is moreso a question for the ladies. I just started cycling classes this past week and love them. I've only ever used one of those sit down stationary bikes, so this is a big change for me...especially since these are RealRyder bikes. Anybody ever heard of them? They tilt from left to right as if you're riding outside. Helps to build lots of muscle and burn 500 + calories per workout.

My question long does it take for your hooha to get used to the saddle?! The first time I went, I was a dope and didn't wear padded shorts. That was a big mistake. I was hurting for a week. So, I took that week off and started back again today, with padded gel insert shorts. Much better outcome this time, but still a little sore. Is this something I'll just get used to after a while or is the tenderness always there? I loooove these workouts though, they are amazing!


  • about 2 wks usually I would say.... If you take a break and go back like after vacation it will be sore again but not for too long :)
  • living_4_me
    living_4_me Posts: 38
    I bike out doors 3-5 times a week and I generally find that it takes me about 3km before everything adjusts. lol So typically the first 3km suck and hurt but then it doesn't hurt anymore. So even if you're a bit sore, about 3-5 minutes into the class, it shouldn't hurt anymore - it's like your body goes numb or just sucks up the pain? lol I don't know how it works - but I've been doing upwards of 30km and starting out quite sore and being fine within a few km into the workout.
  • aissance
    aissance Posts: 5
    I find its best to 'work through' the pain as they say. Yeah, it will hurt quite a bit for the first week or two, but the more often you go, the faster your butt will get used to it. You may also want to consider a different seat. I personally find those giant squishy seats really comfy, but some people prefer those teeny tiny racing bike seats and find them much more comfortable. Also be sure that your bike seat is properly adjusted (ie not tilted to high or low in the front or back). If you go to where you bought your bike (or a local bike store) you can ask them to adjust your bike properly which will drastically effect how comfortable your ride is.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Obviously not a woman, BUT, we can suffer from saddle soreness too. You are on the right track about the padded shorts. You can even try wearing two of them over each other. There are covers you can put on the bike saddle too. When sitting, try not to put all your body weight in the saddle. Use your arms and legs to keep you off a bit. I have been sore for up to a week due to using the wrong saddle, and going back to the same one without changing anything does not help. Maybe you'll get into cycling on a 'real' bike =)
  • ryan92408
    ryan92408 Posts: 11
    Also, make sure your cycle is adjusted correctly. Usually the "saddle sores" are caused by not enough tension - so you are moving in your seat without even realizing it. I would say about 4 classes and I wasn't sore anymore - good luck!
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks everyone! The pain was reduced a ton this go around. I think I still have to get used to it though. Sucks that I'm getting surgery next week and will be out of the gym for a week or so. Guess i'll have to start from scratch again. Booo!
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