Seven days in and I love this site! (But where's the protein?)

Stewnamie Posts: 17 Member
I am really enjoying this site, and the logging in of food is a real eye opener for me. I have yet to meet my protein goals, and go over fat every day. I am struggling to figure out how to fix this glaring imbalance.

I am on a quest for protein. I admittedly am discovering more and more that I don't like beef. I do eat chicken, and salmon when I feel I can afford it, but how in heck am I going to get enough protein. I am not even a big fan of eggs. Seriously, this is a real struggle for me. I already feel like I have conquered a pretty big mountain by giving up sugar. Now I have to shovel protein in that I don't really love? I am at a loss. Any suggestions for a newbie who is struggling to find protein she likes would be really, very greatly appreciated!


  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi :) A short list is would include Greek yogurt, cottage cheese (be careful of the sodium), lentils, quinoa, kale, any type of shell fish like shrimp, pork, white fish, black beans, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, canned tuna, mozzarella and ricotta cheese. I see a lot of people use Quest bars or make smoothies with a protein powder although I have never tried either. Maybe Google protein rich foods. A lot of body builders go heavy on protein. I usually hit over100 grams a day and I am a shorty with a lower calorie allowance. Good luck!!
  • vlhedlund1
    vlhedlund1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a huge fan of nuts! I measure out nuts, chocolate chips, and sometimes dried fruit so if i need a snack i am getting protein, fats, yummy dark chocolate, as well as sweet fruit bits. If i measure it i won't indulge and get an acceptable amount to munch on. Sorry if you are not a but fan. I know chicken, pork, black beans, and tofu all have high protein. I am also a huge fan of roasting my own pumpkin seeds, which has great protein!
  • Japessebas
    Japessebas Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with sandcastles61. Excellent list for protein. I would add Turkey too, you can substitute almost any beef recipe with Turkey.
    The protein shakes are a must too, if you have the powder you can make your own bars too. That way you avoid the additives in the store bought bars.