Help me! Why have I gained??

Ok, so last week I decided that I really needed to cut sweets/cakes/chocolate etc out of my life and start eating whole foods instead. I started a regime in which I have been eating what I would consider to be pretty well; my only slip was having a sugary cereal on one of the days, which was only because I didn't have access to anything else.

I also did go over my calories on one day, but only by a few hundred, and that was due to an unexpectedly high meal that was still very nutritious. Either way, I have been eating much fewer calories than the last few weeks, when I was bingeing a lot by my weight was still stable.

I have either gone for a run or a walk every lunch and have been to the gym to lift weights every evening. I have barely snacked, drunk lots of water and am totally focused; and today I have gone up by a pound!

What am I doing wrong? Do I really have to live on lettuce leaves? Can anybody advise?

I know it's only day 3, but considering that I have been eating less, exercising and eating reasonably 'whole foods' I thought that I would have lost a pound by now, or just stayed the same; having gained is rather crushing.




  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    It takes a while for your body to adjust I found. I started noticing weight loss every week from week 3. I most certainly don't live on lettuce leaves, infact, nothing green passes my lips except apples!

    Just need to keep going, and you will start to notice a loss :) oh, and get a food scale, you may find you're eating more than you think without realising. Weighing definitely helps!
  • ibnfaqir
    ibnfaqir Posts: 139 Member
    check back after 2 weeks.
  • scarlet67
    scarlet67 Posts: 107 Member
    I think you are expecting a miracle! !! Remember how long it took to put on, 3 days is not long at all. The main thing is that you are doing it! ! Be patient :smiley:
  • nickstevens87
    nickstevens87 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're accurately measuring your intake and activity level then don't stress, one pound can easily be water weight, or food still erm, "passing". Three days isn't enough to worry.
  • Cloudfish
    Cloudfish Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for your replies!

    I am already weighing my food to super specific levels of accuracy so it can't be that.

    I know I should be patient, but in the past I have literally started losing weight the second I dieted, so I guess I am basing it on that. Just so frustrating trying to keep being good when I am gaining!

    I will take your advice and just stay away from the scales for a few days and hope it is just water weight!
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    3 days is nothing & your weight can fluctuate daily just because, don't worry :)
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    If for this week you have significantly increased your intake of whole foods that would take your body a little time to adjust because it takes a little extra time to be broken down. But once the adjustment is made you should start to lose the weight steadily. I don't think there's anything major to worry about judging by what you've said. Keep it up!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    It takes more than 3 days.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Cloudfish wrote: »
    Ok, so last week I decided that I really needed to cut sweets/cakes/chocolate etc out of my life and start eating whole foods instead. I started a regime in which I have been eating what I would consider to be pretty well; my only slip was having a sugary cereal on one of the days, which was only because I didn't have access to anything else.

    I also did go over my calories on one day, but only by a few hundred, and that was due to an unexpectedly high meal that was still very nutritious. Either way, I have been eating much fewer calories than the last few weeks, when I was bingeing a lot by my weight was still stable.

    I have either gone for a run or a walk every lunch and have been to the gym to lift weights every evening. I have barely snacked, drunk lots of water and am totally focused; and today I have gone up by a pound!

    What am I doing wrong? Do I really have to live on lettuce leaves? Can anybody advise?

    I know it's only day 3, but considering that I have been eating less, exercising and eating reasonably 'whole foods' I thought that I would have lost a pound by now, or just stayed the same; having gained is rather crushing.



    Nutritious or not, excess calories will result in weight gain.

    Are you weighing all of your food? If not, you are likely eating more than you think. Also there is nothing wrong with eating the foods you "cut out". If you can include them while remaining in a deficit, go ahead and eat them. You do not have to cut any foods out.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Three days isn't nearly enough time to judge. Way too many variables.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited July 2015
    Don't put too much stock in "eating nutritious". In the end, weight loss is about calories in, calories out. You can eat Twinkies and lose weight as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. The only reason to avoid certain foods is if you can't control yourself eating them. Otherwise, eat a balanced diet and watch your calories. Take a multivitamin if you aren't getting enough from what you eat.

    First rule: Log everything and log it accurately. People do not estimate their food intake well by eye. You can get a digital food scale from Target for $20 or less. You can get a simple mechanical one for $5.

    Also do not put too much stock in exercise. Unless you are an athlete spending at least 2 hours a day doing intense exercise, you just won't earn much of a deficit from exercise. You can run on a treadmill or exercise bike for an hour and you might burn 250 calories. That's a slice of pizza. Focus on your food intake - that is the biggest determinator of weight loss.

    Also don't expect results in a week.

    Weigh yourself every day. This is a long-term commitment and effort:

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    3 days isn't enough time. Also, it makes no difference what you've eaten because it comes down to calories. I could eat 200calories of lettuce or 200calories of cake and it's still 200 calories
    You can't expect a miracle in three days. This takes hard work and time.
    Also weight fluctuations are normal. It's nothing to worry about
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    It sounds like normal weight fluctuation to me.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Cloudfish wrote: »
    Thanks for your replies!

    I am already weighing my food to super specific levels of accuracy so it can't be that.

    I know I should be patient, but in the past I have literally started losing weight the second I dieted, so I guess I am basing it on that. Just so frustrating trying to keep being good when I am gaining!

    I will take your advice and just stay away from the scales for a few days and hope it is just water weight!

    this was me last week - crying over half a pound gain - only to be told my body combat classes i was doing every other day ( i never have done cvmbat before) were making me retain water for repair and that i should wait it out a couple weeks i started to feel slightly better - i knew this to be true as i was aching on weigh in day so it was inevitable. this week i feel less achy so im hoping the scales will be kind however if they still show a gain i shall persevere till next week i feel so much better in myself doing this exercise i will not stop
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    weight loss takes time and it is not in a straight line
    give it time and if you eat at a deficit you will start to see a downward trend