30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30?

cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
Hey! I was thinking about purchasing one of these DVDs by Jillian Michaels... Has anyone done them? What has your experience been with them? Thanks!


  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    30 Day rocks! I've heard Ripped in 30 is just a little tougher! My personal suggestion would be to start with the Shred! Jillian will give you great results no matter which one you use. Make sure you measure yourself, because you will most likely lose inches vs. the lbs!(That's what happens to most people) If you have time for longer videos...NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES and BANISH FAT BOOST METABOLISM are WONDERFUL!
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    I'll be starting the 30 day shred in a few days i can't wait!!!
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    thanks so much!
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    There was a post a few hrs ago on success stories that was really inspiring : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/250976-my-30-day-shred-results
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am on day 11 of 30DS, I dont do it daily and I mix it with the treadmill and the Wii.

    It is really good and I would highly recommend it.
  • Tarilynn
    Tarilynn Posts: 22 Member
    I'm doing the 30DS right now and I think it's great. Someone replied to take your measurements first and I definately agree. You'll see inches and your shape changing more than anything. Mind you, you will lose the pounds too, it's just not the bigger change. Good luck with whichever you choose.:smile: