Eating Healthy on a Low Budget

ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

I'm new to this site. A friend introduced me a few days ago and I'm hooked already! I was wondering if anyone had any good tips/advice or some easy to make healthy recipes for someone on a low budget. I'm a college student and extra cash for expensive health foods and finding the time to cook is hard to come by. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I'm looking forward to losing weight together! It's nice to have people who are going through the same challenges that I am. I really believe that I'll be able to stick to this with all your help and encouragement.

<3 Becki


  • Welcome to MFP! I know it's hard trying to find healthy food on a budget. Believe me, I'm doing the same thing. I try to pay attention to the add papers to the grocery store near my house. Looking for coupons or seeing what's on sale. I only get $200 a month to spend on groceries, not very much. But I make do. :)
  • MalleysMum
    MalleysMum Posts: 3
    May I suggest a filtered water bottle? Much cheaper then buying water all the time. You can get it from GNC for 9.99 (Bobble) is the brand name. they are great! <3
  • MalleysMum
    MalleysMum Posts: 3
    Also, check out the free coupon clipper site its an awesome program for tracking bargains!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    If fresh fruits and veggies are too expensive, look for frozen because they are just as good. I buy frozen fruit when it's on sale and use it to make smoothies with non fat greek yogurt. I also buy fresh veggies when they are on special, buy more than you would normally, cook them halfway and then freeze them yourself. Canned beans are cheap and a good source of protein too.
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    do you have a produce market close to where you live? they are usually cheaper than going to the grocery store for fruits and veggies and if you just get what you need for the week each week that should be pretty cheap too. (tip: at the end of the week if the produce looks like it only has a couple days left- freeze it!) frozen veggies at the grocery store are great and verrry inexpensive also. i am the type of person who doesnt mind eating the same thing for lunch everyday.. i usually buy like 3-4 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast.. bake it w alot of yummy spices (350 degrees 12-15 min both sides) and use that for the week for dinners/lunches! shred it, cut it up, whichever. i make my own version of chicken salad alot - chicken, laughing cow wedge (usually garlic and herb.. at 35 cals a wedge) and chop up any veggies, cucumbers, carrots, bellpeppers, whatever sounds/looks good. and eat that on 100 cal sandwhich thins or 100 cal wrap or you could just eat it without the wrap or thins since they may be a little pricier. aldi is a great store- i LOVE their prices. they have good finds- frozen veggies, frozen fruit, fit & active lean ground beef and ground turkey. Just be careful of alot of the Fit & Active brand at Aldi- the snacks and such are loaded with sugar. Hope that helps a little.
  • bacarter18
    bacarter18 Posts: 48 Member
    I have a $200 grocery limit a month as well (for my boyfriend and I) and I can make do as well. I try to buy more in bulk, thinking ahead for breakfast/lunches/dinners/snacks. I get the fridge packs of yogurt, big containers of salad mix, bulk chicken/meats, then divvy them up and freeze them for later. I mostly buy foods that are on sale also, or will stock up and freeze meats when they're on sale. I will get the fruits/veggies that are on sale.. those are most important! and might have to be willing to spend a little more on... if you have a farmers market where you live... BUY THERE!! cheaper and better produce.

    I do a lot of recipes from Weight Watchers or
    I don't like to use a lot of extra ingredients, just basic stuff (I guess I don't have the time/patience to be too creative right now ;)).
    Try looking/Googling 5-ingredient recipes or even crockpot recipes! (and crockpots are only like $30-40) but you get meals for a week if it's just you!
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    Hi! Welcome!
    I am on a limited college student budget as well. Things I've found that have helped me save money....though I'm still not the best at it :)

    Make a list BEFORE you go to the grocery store based on what you know you have run out of. Then, only buy those things. For the longest time I would just go shopping at will and end up spending way too much and buying things that I wouldn't use and would go to waste. And, making a list before you go shopping really allows you to think about what you REALLY need, what can wait until next weeks trip, and how much of it you really need.

    Buy unprocessed things! fresh fruits, veggies, rice, beans, dairy. Pre-made meals and frozen entrees are so much more expensive.

    Find some recipes that you really like (that use the unprocessed foods who've bought) and make a large batch on the weekends so you have leftovers for the week that you can heat up quick in the microwave so you don't have to resort to expensive pre-made stuff. Soup is really good for freezing and reheating.

    EGGS! are cheap and a healthy meal. They're also good for anytime of day. I eat a lot of them and they fill me up and are quick!

    Hope this helps! And good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Oatmeal
    Turkey Bacon
    English Muffins
    Protein Powder
    Veggies for salads
    Buy in bulk
    Cook in bulk
    Tupperware containers are your freind
    Natural Peanut Butter
    Can tuna
    Can salmon
    Frozen Fruit
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Check with your city to see if they have a program where you can get fresh fruits and vegetables for a reasonable amount. In my city it's called Good Food Box and it is well worth it..
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I def. feel a little better about it. I'm sure I'll learn more as I go!
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