Anyone up for Jillian Micheal s 30 days shred challenge?

I need buddies. I'm 5.3 ft 26 yr old female and I have around 30 kilos to lose


  • gemdood
    gemdood Posts: 20 Member
    I do have the DVD gathering dust. I can't do the lunges, but could substitute with squats !
  • BexiM89
    BexiM89 Posts: 9 Member
    I've got the dvd too. Never done past level one always forget to do it.
  • BexiM89
    BexiM89 Posts: 9 Member
    Can we not edit out posts? Sorry new to this. I'd be up for it.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    I've just completed day 2 of level 1. My bottom down to my legs are bloody burning and I'm in pain when walking but I hope to get through it!!!
  • ediewharton
    ediewharton Posts: 23 Member
    I am on day five of level 1.
  • rosestring
    rosestring Posts: 225 Member
    I'm thinking about starting it again. This time, I swear I am going to complete it!
  • TraceyLynn089
    TraceyLynn089 Posts: 11 Member
    I completed all levels of 30 day shred and moved on to Ripped in 30 and am now on week 4. Some of the levels I dreaded doing more than others but I stuck with it and can honestly say that I can see the results and that is what keeps me going. Just a word of advice...MODIFY. If you start getting frustrated, tired, or flat out just cant do it, modify...I even modified the modifier at times! Don't think that you are not getting results by modifying. You have to give your body that chance to adapt and change. But keep moving and you will find that you will get stronger and need to modify less as time goes on.
  • Mayasmama5410
    Mayasmama5410 Posts: 8 Member
    I am on week 3 of the 30 Day Shred. I really wish I had taken measurements before I started. I am starting to see results.
  • slothbears
    slothbears Posts: 8 Member
    I have the 30 Day Shred DVD but I've never even completed the first level - the jumping jacks are easy but I usually exercise in my bedroom and I'm embarrassed because my family can hear me doing them. I've been thinking about going through the program, but just substituting the jumping jacks with something else... now I know I will! :) I think doing it with other people will make it more fun, too!
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    Why would you be embarrassed that your own family can hear you exercising? Isn't exercise a good thing?
  • slothbears
    slothbears Posts: 8 Member
    Why would you be embarrassed that your own family can hear you exercising? Isn't exercise a good thing?

    It is a good thing - a great thing - but I have a lot of problems with anxiety and many things which are normal to most people are extremely embarrassing for me :/
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    slothbears wrote: »
    I have the 30 Day Shred DVD but I've never even completed the first level - the jumping jacks are easy but I usually exercise in my bedroom and I'm embarrassed because my family can hear me doing them. I've been thinking about going through the program, but just substituting the jumping jacks with something else... now I know I will! :) I think doing it with other people will make it more fun, too!

    This workout is a low impact circuit workout like 30 Day Shred. It will give you some ideas for lower impact swaps

    Love Chris Freytag

    Here's the 30 DS group: