Getting started AGAIN!!



  • faithiah
    faithiah Posts: 4 Member
    I thought that was my wall post for today, but I see I'm not alone. Being a woman is hard, and even harder when you have responsibilities like children, full time jobs, etc. To take the time and focus on yourself and get and be healthy. I o have and an on this wagon to start over, but I'm tired of starting over and over and over. I want to see myself differently and be proud of the accomplishments I will achieve this time. I'm looking for great support from this community and some accountability partners as we conquer this task of becoming healthy.
    Thanks for the original post because you're not in this alone, I feel the exact same way.
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
    I am back as well, I was doing so good with exercising and eating well, then I hurt my knee and fell completely off the wagon, now I have been diagnosed with dairy and gluten intolerance its really difficult. Mostly its the dairy but anyway I am back on the healthy living and eating, going to take off this weight I gained back and lose what I was working so hard on,
    Thank all you for being here it really helps me not feel alone

    We are all in this together and I'm so happy to see the all of the responses and support here. Glad you're back on!!
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm on a mission AGAIN as well :# I've gained 15 lbs ....I can't stand thighs are rubbing together is the worst for me. So I need to lose at least 20 lbs any suggestions will help.

    Do you have a plan set out for yourself? That seems to help me alot. Meal prepping also is big. I heard and believe that exercise and being active is 20% while what you put into your body is 80% of living healthy. ...please don't quote me on those percentages
  • nancyzoman
    nancyzoman Posts: 7 Member
    It's all about progress, not perfection! I should know, I've gained and lost the equivalent of an Olsen twin over the years. But I'm ready this time!
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
    Starting all over again too! :( I want positive friendships:)

    You're definitely in the right place. You can do this. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes you feel like "forget this".. but you can do it,...stay determined and committed to your health and we are all here as support. Sometimes when I'm having one of my "falloff" moments, I just find a random person on here and start talking,'d be surprised at the experiences you hear and the support and motivation you receive. Have a great day dear.
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2015
    @nancyzoman an Olson twin you're hilarious
  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    Hey :) I am on every day and am an active support for my friends by liking and commenting on their updates and statuses. If you are willing to do the same, please add me with a little note about yourself :) ( I am not a coach nor am I trying to sell something!) Thanks! :)
  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I've been back for 2 and a half months and it's going well... I LOVE your post and I agree with everything you've said. Every choice we make in every one of those moments are what makes a difference, either for the good or the bad. This time it's all about being reasonable, trying to change in a way that enhances my life and my family, without feeling like I can't wait to "get off" the diet.... I'm enjoying everyday and losing weight slowly, sometimes very slowly but I am not feeling deprived in any way, so I know I can do this until the end of time. Wish I did it this way years ago. Best of luck to each and everyone of you. Make your moments count :)
  • Mindless_Games
    Mindless_Games Posts: 151 Member
    I'm also back at it.
    I'm looking for supportive and motivating friends for this journey.
  • Teanei
    Teanei Posts: 21 Member
    Yes ma'am. I'm at it again too.
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
    @nancyzoman an Olson twin
    faithiah wrote: »
    I thought that was my wall post for today, but I see I'm not alone. Being a woman is hard, and even harder when you have responsibilities like children, full time jobs, etc. To take the time and focus on yourself and get and be healthy. I o have and an on this wagon to start over, but I'm tired of starting over and over and over. I want to see myself differently and be proud of the accomplishments I will achieve this time. I'm looking for great support from this community and some accountability partners as we conquer this task of becoming healthy.
    Thanks for the original post because you're not in this alone, I feel the exact same way.

    Thanks!!! I wish this app had a like/love button...I would've hit it!!
  • fitlife80
    fitlife80 Posts: 14 Member
  • mrs_card
    mrs_card Posts: 54 Member
    I too am back at it! Time to drop the pounds and just like most of you, I am doing it the healthy way. No crazy starvation plans or diet pills etc. Good luck everyone!
  • ebdavis14
    ebdavis14 Posts: 2 Member
    I am back and determined to make it stick this time. I have gained almost all of the 20 lbs I lost and upset at myself for letting it creep back up on me. I know what I need to do to get back on track just gotta do it!
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    Yup, back at it too! Add me :smile: just getting over a surgery and physical therapy, so supper motivated:)
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    I am in the same boat...been struggling with it all my life. Am so tired of the cycle. I am better at certain habits but still not mastered control of my weight.
  • wheldenmommy
    wheldenmommy Posts: 1 Member
    Oh, same here I had orginally lost 40 pounds just to gain it all back, but I've been working hard, I'm loosing it again slowly, but still going, the struggle is real, everyday
  • lpalczer
    lpalczer Posts: 14 Member

    I'm reading everyone's post and if you guys are willing I sure could use the friends as well!
    Add me as well if you would like. I need all the friends I can get

    I did this before and lost down to 160 then messed up and gained it all back plus more. I really want to do this and keep it off this time. I'm so tired of feeling awful and not wanting to do anything.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I just came back 3 days ago after being away for over a year. I am basically starting over. I didn't gain it all back, but close. I am hoping to find my motivation. I guess I made it back here so it's a start.
  • Scrummyhealth
    Scrummyhealth Posts: 4 Member
    Well I am logging my food again after a seven month hiatus. This was my third day in a row. I was in a steady work out routine last year at this time and now I weigh more than I ever have. I am not obese but I'm not entirely happy with my current status. Bad eating and no exercise. I'm going to make baby steps, be persistent, and try not to be too hard on myself when I am not 100% up to my (sometimes unrealistic) expectations. The hardest part to accept is that we are trying to make LIFESTYLE changes here, not just something temporary until we get to where we want to be. It takes a long time to set a new pattern so I'm just going to keep trying. Feel free to add me as a friend and we will see where this goes. I have never participated with a group on MFP so this might be helpful! Best of luck to everyone. We can do it as long as we stay positive and remember that beauty (and even sexiness) comes in all shapes and sizes. We need to shape up for our HEALTH! I am sure I will feel better once I can stick to the "right path" for a while. I'm just going to aim to stay on track for one tiny week so it doesn't seem so overwhelming...