Nutrisystem anybody

think I'll start Nutrisystem tomorrow.
Anybody have thoughts on that?


  • tc_rrt
    tc_rrt Posts: 1 Member
    I started Nutrisystem yesterday, July 7th
  • charlesdl1958
    charlesdl1958 Posts: 1 Member
    I started today. My meals that you add water to came out awful. I'll have to work on that. My weight loss is daunting as I have over 100 lbs to lose.
  • babsmck
    babsmck Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started Nutrisystem on Monday, July 7. I'm doing ok, but have given in and eaten a few "off-program" foods. But I am turning 60 on September 15, and it's really important to me to be a healthier person. Plus I want to look better too! It's great to have my meals structured day to day. I love sweets and I love cream-based foods, so eliminating those is a challenge. And I really don't like cooked veggies--but I am a big salad eater, so that helps. I am going to have to think outside the box. charlesdl1958, I am also struggling with the add water meals. Gotta work on that! I'm glad to see you all on here--one question: do you still log onto My Fitness Pal, even though you are doing the Nutrisystem program? Good luck everyone--I have at least 30 lbs to lose (more if I really want to be where I should be). I'll let you know how it goes. Sending you all my best wishes in your choice to be a healthier and happier you!
  • nymarleygirl
    nymarleygirl Posts: 1 Member
    I started nutrisystem on Monday and so far there are only a few things I've tried that I really didn't like. I live by myself and hate to cook to it's been a good program for me so far. Glad to see people here that are trying this too. Good luck everyone, I know we can do it!
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    I've been on NS since early in March and have lost 33 pounds so far. The meals you add water to can be made a lot better by bulking them up with veggies. I put the meal, chicken broth, broccoli slaw, diced carrots, and diced zucchini in a lunch crock and they're SO much better.

    There are a few groups of NS members here on MFP. If you're interested in being part of a group of others doing the same program (lots of support and encouragement!), then send me a PM and I'll tell you about the group I lead. It's all women, and we're very friendly and supportive. We'd be happy to help you along the way.

    Another group you can join is found here. They closed down the forums on the NS site, so a lot of us came here so we could continue supporting each other.

    Good luck!! :)
  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    I did Nutrisystem for about a year. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Buy real food and eat what you like and track your calories on MFP. There is NO NEED to spend that kind of money on Nutrisystem food. Plus 90% of it is GROSS. You end up wanting the same stuff anyway, so why not just buy your own. For Less!
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    edited July 2015
    jaqcan wrote: »
    I did Nutrisystem for about a year. SAVE YOUR MONEY! Buy real food and eat what you like and track your calories on MFP. There is NO NEED to spend that kind of money on Nutrisystem food. Plus 90% of it is GROSS. You end up wanting the same stuff anyway, so why not just buy your own. For Less!

    NS has worked well for tens of thousands of people. Sorry it didn't work for you. Saying 90% of the food is gross is an extreme exaggeration. There are a few items I don't care for, but more than 90% of it is quite good. I'm on the plan where I get mostly frozen entrees and I really enjoy them. It is "real food." Some of us don't like tracking calories and prefer to do it this way. If counting calories works for you, then do it that way. But, for others, they'd rather have a plan like NS. It doesn't matter--what works for you may not be right for others.