working out fully covered

My name is Zahida.
Im a practising muslims and i observe the full hijab. I wear a headscarf and full sleeved tops in the gym. Recently i have lost all my confidence and i think everyone is judging me in the gym. Any motivation and support would be appreciated because k feel really down.. i havent been to the gym for 2 months..


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hiyah no one really cares what you are doing in the gym. Honestly they dont. What happened to make you lose your confidence?
    Also dont forget you tube has plenty of workouts, so does
    But i say you have paid for your gym membership so go back and enjoy your workouts.
    good luck.
  • BodyNinja
    BodyNinja Posts: 6 Member
    I used to be a Muslim for over 12 years. I used to be over 100 pounds overweight. I started to realize people were judging me, but I decided who cares. Let them judge me, I know I'm great I am and I know that a gym is a place where you work out to get in shape. So maybe if they hate me so much, they should go to another gym, it's not my problem. My kids are still Muslims and my daughter wants to cover up all the time, even in summer, she gets looks but I have built up her confidence so much that she doesn't care.

    Moral of the story: If You know you are a great person ( which you most likely are ) then it doesn't matter what people think, you should be proud to be a muslim and pious all the way through. ☺
  • shaxnax
    shaxnax Posts: 87 Member
    I've seen many women who wear hijab at the gym in my area. I've never thought anything about it. If there is someone making you uncomfortable at your gym you could try going at a different time or talk to the staff about the issue. Try not to let yours or other's thoughts from keeping you staying healthy. You can do it!
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    I see people dressed all kinds of ways when I go to the gym which is usually around 5 am and nobody really cares. We are all there to work out and nothing more. If anyone gives you looks it might be because they're curious but will get used to your outfits over time. Don't let it stop you and get your workouts and don't worry about other people. Some will look no matter what.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You're there to work on your body just like anyone else. I don't judge anyone for what they wear... except when I see dudes wearing pants 'cause that means they skip leg day habitually, haha! But really... if you feel judged or feel someone is staring, tell someone at your gym know... or if it's all in your head, change your mindset! Focus on YOU 'cause that's what you're there for. :smile: Everyone else can just suck it!
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Do what works for YOU!!!! Why let some random judgmental person influence/impact your workouts? Be proud of who you are!! Rock that full hijab & headscarf! You are beautiful inside & out!!!
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Where do you live, Zahida? I understand people have horrible misconceptions of the muslim religion and if you mean you feel they're judging you for your apperance in terms of your hijab at your gym, you need to take that up with the manager. You deserve to exercise in a safe, accomodating environment.

    That being said, your choice of clothing is far from inappropriate gym wear. I've seen people running in denim. DENIM. Imagine the chafing! And steel toe boots! Wallet chains! Push up bras! Keep doing what's best for you, OP.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Hi Zahida!

    Honestly I only glance around the gym to see if I know anyone there. Otherwise I completely ignore everyone else. I figure everyone is too wrapped up in their own business to care about my sweaty shorts or messy hair.

    Good luck! :)
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    Put some headphones in and zone into your workout. If people stare... thats their own problem, not yours. Keep your head high.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i would guess most of it is just in your head. I think people stare at me when I run in the neighborhood. if someone is staring, let the staff know at the gym

    honestly, the only thing I would worry about is hydrating as you might get thirstier because of more layers :)
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    You may be misinterpreting what people are thinking when they look at you in the gym. What is causing you to think people are judging you? They might only be looking because seeing a full hijab at the gym is unusual. I would look, because seeing that is pretty rare, even here in L.A., and then I would think "good for her, she is here trying to get healthier like the rest of us and taking a bit of a risk because she is not wearing the same gym "uniform" everyone is used to seeing."
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Exercise at home, then.

  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you sooo much everyone! I will be back at the gym tomorrow :)

    Btw i live in London x
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Asa zahida,

    I am Muslim I go the gym all the time And I cover as well. Remember why you cover. It could quite possible be all in your head that they are judging you or maybe not. Who cares? Honestly people Could judge you walking down the street but that has nothing to do with you. How they feel about you without knowing you is their problem not yours. Be confident. Be proud and stay focused on your fitness journey. Hey and you might want to amp up your workouts because if you have the time to be looking around to see if people are looking at you then you probably aren't working out hard enough! Lol jk but not really.

    Side note: Are you going to the gym during Ramadan?
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    We have some Muslim women in our gym who work out covered. Some even do Zumba! There is no judgment, and they seem to be having a lot of fun, just like those of us in scantier "Western" dress.
  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you so much :smile:

    I am not currently going to the gym in ramadan but im going to start from tomorrow. Maybe after iv broken my fast to do a bit of cardio. Otherwise i have cut back majorly on my food intake in Ramadan and lost 6 pounds ;)
  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you for the encouraging words!
  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member
    Exercise at home, then.

    Its very hard to work out at home. Limited space and equipment.
  • kmarc33
    kmarc33 Posts: 25 Member
    To be honest I would probably look but for a completely different reason. A few months ago a guy at my gym with a towel around his shoulders got it stuck in a weight machine and almost hung himself. Scary. I'm pretty paranoid about it now. If I saw you I'd probably wonder "is she familiar with the equipment", etc. Not in a condescending "I'm a guy, she needs help" way but in a "hey, I saw this, it was scary, *please* be careful" way.

    Wear whatever makes you comfortable, but be careful. (climbing down from overly paranoid soap box).

    Good luck.
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member

    Thank you so much :smile:

    I am not currently going to the gym in ramadan but im going to start from tomorrow. Maybe after iv broken my fast to do a bit of cardio. Otherwise i have cut back majorly on my food intake in Ramadan and lost 6 pounds ;)

    Look at you! It is very rare that people lose weight during Ramadan so you are doing awesome. Keep up the good work. And keep your head up when you go back into that gym girl! You are the bomb!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    You may be misinterpreting what people are thinking when they look at you in the gym. What is causing you to think people are judging you? They might only be looking because seeing a full hijab at the gym is unusual. I would look, because seeing that is pretty rare, even here in L.A., and then I would think "good for her, she is here trying to get healthier like the rest of us and taking a bit of a risk because she is not wearing the same gym "uniform" everyone is used to seeing."

    Same. I wouldn't give an overweight person in the tank top/shorts uniform a second glance, but I would probably look a little longer at someone in a hijab. Not to be judgmental, but because I've never seen that in a gym. And I would be mortified if the other person considered it an impolite or racist stare.

    I hope that's your situation and once you're not the new girl, no one will stare.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I live in a very multi-ethnic area, and see women in hijab and long sleeves/pants at the gym frequently (even ladies in burqinis in the pool!). Some ladies choose to use the women's section at the gym (which is closed off and they can work out in less restrictive clothing), but most just go about their business in the regular area. Even though I see it frequently, a woman in hijab still catches my eye--but not for very long. It's just different, you know? I'd notice a bright t-shirt or a big hair bow, too.

    Just keep doing what's best for your health. No one else should have the right to take that away from you (whether that's for real, or whether you're just letting them do it in your mind).
  • Ioras88
    Ioras88 Posts: 57 Member
    I would like to know (I'm sorry if this is rude to ask): Is there an option of a women-only gym near you?
    I'm going to this fitness place where I do circuit training and it's for women only (men are not even allowed to enter the place at all!) so we have a lot of women there who also normally wear the hijab, only that they wear 'normal' gym clothes during their training. :)

    If not, don't lose confidence!
  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member

    Unfortunately there are no women only gyms near me :(

    Thank u so much everyone. U have all made me feel soo much better!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You have done a great job losing weight. <3
    Truthfully, most people in the gym are paying attention to themselves. They might take a quick notice of a new or different person but then go back to whatever they were doing.
    The only time someone will pay attention in the gym is when someone is wasting time by hogging the equipment.
  • im3va
    im3va Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat, I used to go to an all ladies gym where I didn't have to cover- until they closed down, and I just haven't been brave enough try out the new gym that opened in my building. I think I will give it a try and not worry too much about being fully covered and being stared at. Also congrats for losing weight during Ramadan!
  • SyedaBukhari96
    SyedaBukhari96 Posts: 10 Member

    Haha thanks!
  • TasnimEz
    TasnimEz Posts: 280 Member
    I think it's easy to feel like people are staring and judging because of what's happening in some western countries. Unfortunately. I hope it's not like that where you live but where I'm from (Sweden) hate is on the rise. A lot of staring, comments etc. That can make you a bit worried and you might be feeling that people are looking in a negative way when really they might just be curious. :smile:
    I went to a public pool for the first time in a burkini and sure people looked at me but I decided it was because it's just not something they see every day. :wink:
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    If someone gives you shade over your covering, it reflects nothing about you but says a whole lot about them, and nothing good.
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    Do you have an all-woman gym in your vicinity? I am in the US and we have Total Woman. I saw 2-3 Muslim ladies - one of them is a trainer! - who wear gym clothes in the gym although they arrive in a hijab and leave in a hijab.