27 f 100 lbs+ to loose

Hello looking for people with similar goals to help motivate each other. I have lost 14 lbs so far and i am looking to make this the year i reach 199.


  • VTorres26
    VTorres26 Posts: 20 Member
    I have 110 pounds to loose.

    Beginning Weight 260
    Goal Weight 150

    By the end of the year 170-180
  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hello Jessie. ..I'm Gianni. Long story short, went through a difficult time and completely destroyed by body by eating so much to gain 65 lbs in 5 months... using MFP and it seems to be working.... lost 10 pounds so far... what's your story?
  • jessedcg
    jessedcg Posts: 304 Member
    I gained around 100 lbs+ from high school to current date.
    Lost my mom spiraled into depression, lots of changes and during the years I gained weight over the years. I am honestly at a point where I'm finally at that point where enough is enough and am looking to loose all that weight. :)
  • zoomtech16
    zoomtech16 Posts: 100 Member
    I've always been overweight so yes I'm looking to lose... A lot I don't even like to think about the large number just smaller goals.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I have 100 lb to lose. I started at 250 but don't know where I'm at now. I get to obsessed with the number so it's better that I not know just yet (I even put a made up weight in MFP). I do know that I'm heading in the right direction based on the fit of my clothes - This week I went to the next notch in my belt!
  • jessedcg
    jessedcg Posts: 304 Member
    papayahed wrote: »
    I have 100 lb to lose. I started at 250 but don't know where I'm at now. I get to obsessed with the number so it's better that I not know just yet (I even put a made up weight in MFP). I do know that I'm heading in the right direction based on the fit of my clothes - This week I went to the next notch in my belt!

    That's awesome!!! I haven't noticed much change with my clothing.
    However with the way I feel I diffidently have!
    I been eating clean for over 30 days now and can tell the difference in my body when i decide to have a frappachino or eat out..
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    My start weight was 285 November 1st. I am within 2lbs from hitting my first 25 lb weight loss. My ultimate goal is to be under 200. I try and make it to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. But with work and a 2 year old that isn't always convenient. I got a fitbit for Christmas and love it. Daily motivation to get this butt moving. At home I do strength training, and Leslie Sansone videos. I also have completed a squat, and crunch challenge. This month is a plank one. Feel free to add me. I have been logging on everyday. Good luck in your journey!
  • jessedcg
    jessedcg Posts: 304 Member
    I have a fitbit too it really helped some years back when i had dropped 40 lbs. I just need to remind myself to clip it on.
  • ekat1234
    ekat1234 Posts: 290 Member
    My starting weight was 240lbs and my goal weight is 130lbs. I am down to 218lbs so I have a ways to go. I have a fitbit and absolutely love it. It definitely has motivated me to get up and moving more often.
  • shmelzy
    shmelzy Posts: 29 Member
    i started at 230 and my goal weight is the 120's. right now i'm 223. I know, i'm trying for a big leap, but i believe i can do it with time. i believe so can you! we can do this. I'm totally down with motivating each other. it's a big goal and support & motivation always helps a bunch.
  • jessedcg
    jessedcg Posts: 304 Member
  • faithiah
    faithiah Posts: 4 Member
    Same here
  • Rheameg
    Rheameg Posts: 71 Member
    30 f 123 lbs to lose.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    Same:) 27 and would love to see 199! 47lbs to go! Then my goal weight is 160:)
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    Started at 285ish and my goal is 150. Been struggling with weightless for a few years but I'm back at it again. Got an official diagnosis of PCOS last year. I started some medication and I've reduced my carb intake. Lost almost 25lbs so far since the end of May. Hope to be close to 200 by the end of the year!
  • atac9806
    atac9806 Posts: 9 Member
    I started at 277 almost a year ago I'm down to 204 now. My mini goal is 199 by the end of Aug my long term goal is under 175 as I am 5'10. Don't wanna be skinny just want to be health and fit! Add me anyone I could use motivation most days!
  • ashes518
    ashes518 Posts: 3 Member
    27 f 100lbs to lose. Right now I'm at 260lbs. My ultimate goal would be to get down to 160lbs. But right now I have a mini goal of getting down to 199 and NEVER hitting 200lbs again!! This is the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm overwhelmed by what I have to do. It's sooo easy putting the weight on, but sooo difficult to lose it! Any motivation and support would be appreciated!! :)