I am on a journey to lose over 100lbs

anyone else looking to lose over a hundreds pounds? I could sure use some help and be glad to be of help back. Thanks


  • jasmine_kamar
    jasmine_kamar Posts: 34 Member

    bigherm79 wrote: »
    anyone else looking to lose over a hundreds pounds? I could sure use some help and be glad to be of help back. Thanks

    Hello Bigherm,

    My name is Jasmine/Yasmine , I am a new user ,I feel confused a little bit about how to use this app but I think it is really interesting and it has got what I have been looking for since many years ago which i "company" , I am here for the same mission we are dying to make ; losing weight .The issue is very serious to me since I had a variety of health problems , finding people with the same problem "obesity" to support ,share and motivate is definitely effective and fruitful, the concept of group therapy is pretty wonderful and protective. I have a plenty of information about types of diets as I am studying nutrition right now , I decided to help myself by helping others and that is why I studied about life & relationship coaching too so I can help changing my life and others' ones as well. My target is to lose 88 lbs in 20 weeks, I don't know how can we communicate with each others but if any suggestions would be great !

    Best of luck to you
  • BettieDiane
    BettieDiane Posts: 13 Member
    I am on a mission to loose 100 lbs too. If you add me as a friend we can keep each other in check. I was recently switched to a gluten free diet and already lost 5 lbs in one week, but I would love to have friends on here so I can stay on track
  • cls47
    cls47 Posts: 1 Member
    I am too on a missing to loose over 100 lbs. I have sent a friend request.
  • jasmine_kamar
    jasmine_kamar Posts: 34 Member
    I am on a mission to loose 100 lbs too. If you add me as a friend we can keep each other in check. I was recently switched to a gluten free diet and already lost 5 lbs in one week, but I would love to have friends on here so I can stay on track

    Hello Bettie,

    I have the same mission too, Can I add you ?
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    I'm on a mission ideally to lose over 100lbs myself. Right now I set the goal for 80. Please feel free to add me. I'm on daily and I'm a part of a weekly check in group.
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    I need to lose 123 lbs. I'm a mom of 3. I have a 13 year old girl, 10 & 6 year old boys. I work part time at the moment but am looking for a full time job since all the kids are in school now. I need some friends to keep me motivated and moving. My weight is affecting my self-esteem and health. It needs to come off.
  • teelove2015
    teelove2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello..I'm new and I'm on a mission to loose 100 pounds as well. Looking forward to being a supporter and supported. :)
  • BettieDiane
    BettieDiane Posts: 13 Member
    I am on a mission to loose 100 lbs too. If you add me as a friend we can keep each other in check. I was recently switched to a gluten free diet and already lost 5 lbs in one week, but I would love to have friends on here so I can stay on track

    Hello Bettie,

    I have the same mission too, Can I add you ?

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :) I am very friendly and would love to get tips and see how everyone else is doing :)
  • ChristoleJay
    ChristoleJay Posts: 14 Member
    I need to lose 105 lbs. I am a mom of two boys and need to be more healthy and in shape to keep up with them.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    First of all, welcome to MFP! Some of the information here will start you on a path to a lifetime of health.

    Losing 100 pounds is very daunting. I've been down the same road a couple of times and offer a couple of pointers:

    Set smaller, shorter term, reasonable goals. You didn't gain 100 extra pounds overnight, and it's going to take a significant amount of time to lose. Trying to reach a goal that's likely over a year away is quite intimidating.

    Learn to log your food as accurately as you can. Digital scale=must. Calculator=must. Measuring spoons for liquids=must. There are various threads giving instructions and some videos that can show some of the pitfalls of what you think you're logging and maybe what you actually are. Underestimating your caloric intake is likely the biggest reason of not hitting the results you've worked so hard to achieve.

    Find some type of activity that you enjoy (ok, maybe you'll never "enjoy" exercise, but you at least have to find something you don't hate). While diet is 80+% of the equation in a journey to losing 100 pounds, exercise will help the process immensely. I recommend a mix of cardio and strength training. Find what works for you. Do it regularly. Be amazed with the results!

    Set reasonable rewards for milestones. Set a goal to lose 20 pounds and get a massage. Lose 40 pounds and upgrade some piece of gym equipment. Lose 60 pounds, whatever. I highly recommend against food-based rewards. I read once, "Don't reward yourself with food--you're not a dog." It's pretty appropriate.

    Don't make excuses. Be accountable to yourself. We all slip up once in a while, even with the best laid plans. Don't let one bad meal turn into a bad day turn into a bad weekend where all of a sudden, several "I'll start on Monday" sentiments come out, and you're 3 months later wondering what the heck happened.

    Every single one of these pointers is something I've personally experienced, and though I'm not finished with my journey, I'm well on my way. Please feel free to add me if you like. I try to help when I can. I'll call people out when stuff looks funny. I can be direct. I can be harsh, but it can be helpful to the right person. I'm a sarcastic person with a warped sense of humor. It's not for everyone, but it's a good match for others.

    You've made the first, good step toward a healthy future. Motivation must come from within, but what you'll learn on these forums and with this tool can go a long way toward progress.
  • Jesslan_Rose
    Jesslan_Rose Posts: 137 Member
    When I started (before I joined MFP this past October) I needed to lose 240 lbs. I've lost 181 lbs so far with 59 lbs remaining.

    I recently found I have a (non-celiac) gluten sensitivity and am basically a beginner at gluten free eating.

    I'd love a new friend to share our experiences in regards to our weight loss (and eating gluten free as best we can.) :)
  • je1230522
    je1230522 Posts: 5 Member
    I also would like to loss 100 lbs we can do it :)
  • brittanyarkward
    brittanyarkward Posts: 32 Member
    I'm new to this and have over 100 to lose. Would love some friends and to help motivate anyone with the same goals. Feel free to add me!
  • kxforg
    kxforg Posts: 36 Member
    Been here a few months and have stalled. (I could make excuses about stress and stuff but there isn't really any excuse except my choices.) Anyway I have about 70 more to go so friend me if you like....I can use the extra support too. ;)
  • aunjerikap
    aunjerikap Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'M STARTING MY FITNESS JOURNEY. I'm looking for friends who can work together and achieve our weight loss goal. I need to lose 100 pounds too! We can connect with each other through fitness pal, youtube, and maybe facebook. Would you want to join me!
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I started my journey Dec 2010 and successfully lost 100 lbs. I've kept it off for the most part except for this pesky 30 lbs I gained from my recent pregnancy but I know the struggles of needing to lost such a large amount. Remember to make small goals because they keep you motivated and add up to bigger goals. There is no such thing as a diet you have to think lifestyle change and make sure you make a lot of friends with the same goals in mind. A good support network is going to help you be successful and keep you away from the people who will sabotage your efforts. Feel free to add me if you want a motivational friend. Good luck to you and your journey!!! :)
  • bigherm79
    bigherm79 Posts: 3 Member
    Kimmie thanks for the support. I am glad you were able to lose the weight!! I hope I too can be a success story like you...
  • tyberiusk608
    tyberiusk608 Posts: 8 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Always looking for motivators and like to help motivate
  • bigherm79
    bigherm79 Posts: 3 Member
    Will do, hopefully we can meet our goals