hi fellow fitness pals

:wink: hey everyone so i am on day 2 of myfitness pal challenge b4 i started on here i was already dieting and lost 7lbs by eating smaller portions and drinking lots of water..i'm looking for more friends to give me words of encouragement as we all make this journey to a healthier lifestyle so add me :smooched:


  • Musicmedicine
    Musicmedicine Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm on day 5, I think. Wow, time goes by fast! Anyways, I have been struggling with my weight all my life. I tried diets because I hated exercise but they never worked. So, ever since I started college I never tried to diet. Only about 3 or 4 months ago I started exercising without dieting and I have lost over 40 pounds so far and 50 since I started college 2 years ago.

    Anyways, I think this is a fantastic tool to measure your caloric intake and cardiovascular exercise. Just keep in your mind the rule 500 calories a day = a pound a week. :-)

    Best of luck to you! We can do this!
  • bruceseverson
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend. My food diary is open to all friends, so you might be able to use some of that for ideas. Also, feel free to ask questions or comment. Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • MrzHerrera
    MrzHerrera Posts: 5
    good luck with obtaing ur goal weight u can do it :happy:
  • teremenmar
    teremenmar Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to MFP my beautiful friend!!!! We can do this together! I've lost 8 lbs in less than a month only by counting my calories and balancing it with exercise! If I would have known about this I would have started it along time ago!!! I'm on day 26 I think and I've made so many new friends on here! The best thing I like about this website is all the wonderful people. What Ive done is I started sending out friend request to everyone I saw that was encouraging others and slowly I've made so many friends! So just go to my recent up dates and request all the same people. They will all add you and so many encouraging words are coming your way! Its so nice that everyone celebrates 1 pound lost or even when your under your calorie intake for the day! It's awesome...you'll see if you stick with it all the weight will come off!
  • MrzHerrera
    MrzHerrera Posts: 5
    teresa ur my little motivational cheerleader ..i dusted off my rollerblades and am putting them to good use while the kids r bike riding im blading i'm only on day 2 but i think i'll b able to stick with it ..i lost 7 lbs b4 myfitness pal so im hoping to drop some more let me know if u have any tips :smooched:
  • teremenmar
    teremenmar Posts: 37 Member
    Yay!!!! Girl you inspire me!!!! If I had four kids I would not be able to do as much as you do! I can barely had one! Lol Thats awesome, rollerblading is so much fun!!!! And I bet you kids are having a great time with mommy! Tips...hmmmm none come to mind but it sounds like you are doing great just keep doing what you are doing and you start to see results in no time!!!
  • hannahbaby417
    I don't have any kids and I can barely do it. I'm am in awe of both of you, lol.
  • MrzHerrera
    MrzHerrera Posts: 5
    i think haveing kids is an advantage because ur always running around with them and dnt really have time to eat or it's the total opposite u subcum to all the junk food u have for them in ur pantry lol