The scale is not budging!



  • Mr_Stabbems
    Mr_Stabbems Posts: 4,771 Member
    katsmo wrote: »
    I think you're making things too hard on yourself. Have you tried calories in/calories out? Why the IF route? From your diary, I can't determine if it's an issue with inconsistent logging or it's a fasting period. Be good to yourself.

    Its a fasting period. I usually put the fasting time in the notes w/ my vitamin intake but have been inconsistent with that. I dk really, I tried 5:2 IF in the past and it worked really well for me so I am doing a 13/14 hour fast and 11/10 hour feeding now.

    What is calories in/out?

    measuring cals in vs cals out.

    IF worked for you before then try it again, it works great for me (16/8).

    Ultimately, look at your diary, you eat lots of carbs & sugar, and no where near your target for protein. Your intake is low, your not going to go into starvation mode or anything like that, so dont worry, but i would readjust your targets. your protein target is very very high.

    Im not saying anything is wrong with this but i would adjust them to more realistic targets so you dont beat yourself up about it, i try aim for 35%C 45%P and 20%F and that seems to work well for me, i get enough protein & carbs for my workouts, i balance them so i get most of the carbs and protein after weights in the evening.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Calories in, calories out or CICO just means take in less calories than you put out. Basically, eat less and burn more. It doesn't have to involve a fast or a schedule or restricting much of anything. The scale will still move.