Running out of time

Hi there,

I am 22 overweight and have been on a rollercoaster of weight loss and gains all my life. I am hoping that I can finally nip this in the butt and start my continued weight loss to a healthier lifestyle. For some reason I can always find myself start out excercise and or healthy eating plans but I always get of track and never seem to find my way back. I am a mother of a 14 month old girl, engaged to be married next year. I work fulltime mon-Friday which I find really hard to want to excercise once I am home from work. I am a snacker. If I am eating healthy and give into a craving I cannot stop myself I over induldge throw everything out the window and find myself eating a whole back chips or a big bowl of icecream whatever the culprit may be. I don't seem to have the ability to control that temptation. What I am really asking for is alot of support and ANY ideas from anyone how I can be in control of these cravings. How can I balance work and exercise? I feel as though I leave my daughter to go to the gym that I will be neglecting her and since the weather doesn't always cooperate for us to go on walks it seems I always have an excuse to not go excercise. I have alot of issues as far as weight goes, I am 240lbs and only 22years old if I continue this lifestyle I am positive I will not live a long life. I dont know how to stop being this way.Its absolutely brutal. Please, I need to turn my life around and I really really really just need some good friends and inspirational people who can keep me on track and provide me with the support and tips I need.

Thanks, I really look forward to hearing from everyone.


  • Runnermadre
    Runnermadre Posts: 267 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! I am a mother of a 21 month old, and I'm 24. I've also had a tough time staying on track until I joined MFP. I'd love to be able to support each other!
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I have found that the only way I will exercise during the week is if I go straight to the gym from work. If I go home first it doesn't happen. And don't deny yourself treats, that is what usually leads to binges. Just use them with intelligence. For example, take a serving of chips out of the bag and put them into a bowl...then put away the bag. Don't start eating until you're in another room. Or pick up single serving items like the mini drumstick ice creams...
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    Boy, oh boy, are you going to LOVE this site! My first bit of advice, "friend" everyone who says something that resonates with you. It feels kind of weird to reach out to total strangers from all over the world about such a personal obstacle but it has been SUCH an inspiration to me.

    I know where you're coming from with your feeling of not wanting to take extra time away from your daughter. I'm a single mom and have been since day 1 so often I have neglected myself and my own needs to be sure that I'm spending time with my son (now he's 11 years old so it's easier, but still an issue sometimes). One idea would be to get some kid workout/dance DVDs (a lot of libraries have them if it's not in the budget to purchase them). You could make it a mommy/daughter exercise time. You don't have to do exactly what they do on the tape. Holding her and dancing for a half an hour , marching in circles around the living room, creating obstacle courses and play along with her...whatever it takes to be moving. And, when it's nice out, go for walks or play at the park. Double bonus: you're moving and inspiring her to live her WHOLE life moving, too!

    You can do it and you do NOT have to be perfect all day every day! Let yourself indulge a little sometimes. If you blow it and binge or overdo it at a party, don't beat yourself up about it. One day will never be the end of the world. Resolve to have good habits and to be in control. Sometimes when I'm tempted to over indulge, I'll just look at whatever is tripping me up and think, "You're not the boss of me, chocolate cake!!!" =) It's dumb, but the humor of it can usually get me to turn on my heel and ignore the tempting morsel.
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I was the same way two months ago. I would always give in and start over indulging....Until I found something that I absolutely love doing...kickboxing. I believe you need to find something that you love: running, walking, weight-lifting...something that you can be passionate about. I would not worry about leaving your daughter while you are woking out. You are not neglecting her, because if you become healthier, you give your daughter a chance to have an active and healthy momma for a long time. What I would do if I were you, to try out new things that you might get interested in as long as it has to do with some kind of activity. Once you find something, it will motivate you to keep on going and you will find the time to go and do the thing that you like. I work full time and go to school at nights, yet I am so passionate about kickboxing that I was able to find time to do it. When it comes to eating, I put a skinny photo of me on the fridge as a reminder that whatever I am going to be eating will backfire on me on my journey. You could put a picture of yourself or a model, or better yet your daugther as a reminder why you are doing this... I wish you all the luck, and I believe that you can do it!!! Feel free to friend me!
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey to the new you!
    Leaving your daughter while you go to the gym is not "bad" parenting in any way! First off, would you rather leave her for an hour a few times a week or not be around for a good part of your life? If you continue to make unhealthy choices and live an unhealthy lifestyle the you are more likely to have serious health issues that may take you away from your daughter forever! It's also likely that your daughter will have bad eating habits and life an unhealthy life if that is what she learns growing up. So you are doing the right thing for both of you if you "leave" her to go workout.
    Also many gyms have on site daycare. The gym I used to go to not only had onsite daycare but it was free (or really cheap I forget) with the membership.
    Good luck!! you can add me as a friend if you want too!!
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Boy, oh boy, are you going to LOVE this site! My first bit of advice, "friend" everyone who says something that resonates with you. It feels kind of weird to reach out to total strangers from all over the world about such a personal obstacle but it has been SUCH an inspiration to me.

    I know where you're coming from with your feeling of not wanting to take extra time away from your daughter. I'm a single mom and have been since day 1 so often I have neglected myself and my own needs to be sure that I'm spending time with my son (now he's 11 years old so it's easier, but still an issue sometimes). One idea would be to get some kid workout/dance DVDs (a lot of libraries have them if it's not in the budget to purchase them). You could make it a mommy/daughter exercise time. You don't have to do exactly what they do on the tape. Holding her and dancing for a half an hour , marching in circles around the living room, creating obstacle courses and play along with her...whatever it takes to be moving. And, when it's nice out, go for walks or play at the park. Double bonus: you're moving and inspiring her to live her WHOLE life moving, too!

    You can do it and you do NOT have to be perfect all day every day! Let yourself indulge a little sometimes. If you blow it and binge or overdo it at a party, don't beat yourself up about it. One day will never be the end of the world. Resolve to have good habits and to be in control. Sometimes when I'm tempted to over indulge, I'll just look at whatever is tripping me up and think, "You're not the boss of me, chocolate cake!!!" =) It's dumb, but the humor of it can usually get me to turn on my heel and ignore the tempting morsel.

    I completely agree about incorporating excersises with your baby. If it is not the right time to start teaching them the healthy way to leave then I don't know when... I bet she will love it and you will love it too!!!;-)
  • Jynx86
    Jynx86 Posts: 4
    Please friend me!! We can motivate each other!! I just started my diet/ workout schedule 3 days ago and I am having a really hard time with the snacking as well. I'll allow myself to eat 1 small thing as a snack, then before I know it I've had 4 or 5 "little" things that add up in a big way!! Let's be friends!! I'm looking for lots of people to give and receive support from, so anybody feel free to add me!!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Hi. I can't control temptation either! I no longer buy any junk food or if I do I look for a healthier alternative. I was an ice cream fanatic! But now I love non fat vanilla greek yogurt mixed with a little takes as good as ice cream for me! Find an exercise that you enjoy that way you will stick with it. I know if I go home after work I will not go to the gym so I go straight there after work and on my late weeks I go to the gym before work. I think its about trial and error and finding what works for you! Good luck:-)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I have only been doing this a few days but it seems to be going fairly well now I am getting used to a few things.

    If you don't have much time for exercise perhaps mix the occasional gym session with workouts at home or get a DVD that you can do while she is in bed. There are some that have quite short workouts. If you know it's only going to take 20 mins it's sometimes easier to convince yourself that you want to do it. You will earn extra calories from exercising which you can then use for your snacks. It is a good idea to eat most of your exercise calories.

    I find I get hungry and get cravings on the amounts that MFP recommends. It only recommends 15% protein which is very low. Since I have changed my goals to 30%protein, 30%fat and 40%carbs I am finding that I don't get so hungry. Try to eat almost all of your calories for the day and try and space them out fairly evenly. Too many carbs can make you get hungry quicker and might make you crave carb rich foods. Protein is important for your muscles if you are exercising. It also helps to fill you up and keeps you fuller for longer.

    If you are a snacker then plan for your snacks out of your calorie allowance. Don't try to manage without snacks or you will be setting yourself up for failure. If you need snacks have slightly smaller meals and plan for your snacks and you'll be fine. That's what I do and it seems to work for me - I'm a snacker too :smile:

    Logging what I eat has been a real eye-opener for me, but it also helps me to stay on track. The first couple of days were the hardest but now I'm finding it reasonably easy to stick to the number of calories.

    You sound like you really want to do this so I'm sure you will get there. Good luck with it all
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    You sound like me in many ways! I've yo-yo-ed with my diet for too long. I finally have committed to a lifestyle change... not a diet that is going to help me lose quick pounds! Once you get into the swing of it, it's easy to stay on track. I too am a major snacker. When I feel like snacking I try to do something that will keep my mind focused. I'll take my dog for a walk, start cleaning the house, do some laundry, drink water or tea, etc. I also had the same mind set as you about giving into my temptations. If I was to over indulge I'd think "Oh well, I'll start fresh tomorrow" and then the next day it would be the same thing. Now, if I over indulge, I know to either exercise to burn those extra calories, or just plain in simple let it go and not beat myself up about it. It happens! It's life! I figure, so what I ate a piece of cake. That won't make me gain weight, but if I continue with the mindset of "oh well, I already screwed up" and just continue to over eat then that WILL make me gain weight.
    Do NOT feel guilty about going to the gym. Working out will let you live a longer and healthier life! Not to mention it will give you added energy that you can spend with your daughter! Think about the example you will be setting for her. If you still feel guilty, try getting up and going to the gym before work or after your daughter has gone to bed. Make it apart of your daily schedule.
    I'm telling you, this site has helped me a ton! Logging my food and exercise with the support of friends has made a world of a difference! Feel free to friend me if you need some motiaviaton! :)