Lost my motivation to leave for the Navy!

Rintin21 Posts: 5
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Erin. In August of last year, I decided that I wanted to join the Navy. I actually enlisted in October, and I leave for basic training on June 22nd. However, over the winter, I was doing so good wtih maintaining my weight loss. But once my winter job was over, and I started caring for a sick grandmother, then a beyond sick mother, I started to put on the pounds, and lost site of my goal.

Now I leave in less than a month, and I need to lose this weight, and quickly! I started on monday, and have already lost some, but I really hope that I can keep going! This weekend is sort of a test for me, and I weigh in and geet measured on Tuesday.

My recruiters don't think I'll be able to do it, but I know I can. I realize that losing 20 pounds in less than a month is not healthy, but I need to lose that and/or 7 inches in my waist so that I can leave. Are there any other military women or men on here?


  • phase 1 of the adkins diet works well for quick loss! Think protein! (lose carbs and sugar!) I've lost 6 lbs in the first week. I am also pushing water hard for drinking, too! For exercise Ive been walking uphills an hour a day and swimming.
    Kudos to you for putting the family first and for joining our military!
    You can do it!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    If you make an appointment with a doctor, they might be able to prescribe something to help you lose the weight quickly as well as suggest a diet and exercise program. I wouldn't try to lose as much weight as you are trying to lose w/o doctor supervision. I wish you the best of luck.

    Edited this just to add that you might look into a local bootcamp class or do P90x or TurboFire workout DVDs. People the do these get great results.
  • mya2012
    mya2012 Posts: 18
    Good Choice Navy, My husband is Navy!! You can do anything that you put your mind too!
  • I'm not in the military, but I support your weight loss decision all the way- I almost joined the military not only to serve my country, but also to lose weight!
  • hey there,
    dont lose site of the navy it will be one of the best things you can do for yourself. for me it was a verfy good part of my life.
    try not to lose the weight to fast,yes very unhealthy. if you feel you need to be careful. first drink a lot of water, cut back on the calorie intake,excerise and if you have agym nearby see if they have a sauna very good for losing inches. but most of all if you do fall short explain what had happened and have him push back your enlistment date. hope this helps
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    talk with your recruiter and get them to back up by a month so you can can lose the weight in a healthy manner. you don't want to lose weight drasticly then go thru the rigors of boot camp in a weakended state.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I have two suggestions for quick weight loss. One is atkins -- high protein (also suggested earlier). I once ate mostly meat while redecorating my father's house (think four hours of painting a day) and lost 20 pounds in a month. I was over 200 lbs though, which makes a difference. Also, I read that execising at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate puts you into a fat burning phase after 30 minutes. So if you walk at about 3.4 mph for an hour a day, you will have about 30 minutes of straight fat burn. If I remember correctly, you should be walking at rate of about 19-20 heartbeats in a 10 second time frame. (This is for someone in their early twenties -- I didn't check your age, but the beats are pretty close to that for young adults in general). I once walked at this rate for an hour every morning and an hour every night and saw results even though I wasn't paying close attention to my eating. Good luck!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK so I have friends in every branch, and they all talk about losing weight in bootcamp despite the high calorie foods. The reason? PT, PT and MORE PT. SO as long as you up your protein intake, watch the carbs, cut out processed foods and sodium and up your water (and gatorade/pwerade/propel intake for intense workouts) you should be able to make it. Remember they use running, situps and pullups as their main endurance testers so those should be your focus.
  • joelpowell
    joelpowell Posts: 2
    Although 20lbs is not adviceable it is possible. I lost 15lbs in one month just through diet and exercise. running, basketball (push) mowing the lawn has helped me. stay away from fast food eat mostly friuts and vegetables. You should have at leat 50 to 75 percent of fruit and vegetables on your plate. stay. Goodluck I spent 9 years in the Air Force and enjoyed every minute.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Also, I forgot to mention that clean eating really helps. Cut out all processed foods, sugars, sodas (diet or otherwise)... if it doesn't grow from the ground or come from an animal, don't eat it. When I cut out diet soda and sugar, I lost MUCH faster -- I think in part because I don't really have cravings when I eat clean (except for during the first few days).
  • Rintin21
    Rintin21 Posts: 5
    Thank you all for the suggestions, and this is what I'm doing so far:
    1 Gallon of water per day, no other liquids,
    1 GNC Lean 25 Protein shake with 1 fruit (varies, haven't had the same once twice!) and 2 Tablespoons of ground flax,
    30 minutes of cardio around noon,
    30 minutes-1 hour of cardio in the evening,
    Low Carb/High Protein calorie restricted diet,
    Oxyelite Pro

    I'm doing well so far, and we tried to get my ship date moved back by a month, but my request was denied. If I don't lose this weight, they do my paperwork to kick me out. And I know that once I get there, I'll be fine. But it is actually getting there, and getting through MEPS that's the hard part. A week ago, I was drinking beer a few nights a week, and eating out most nights. I've completely cut that. But I'm eating mostly vegetables, fruits, meats, and eggs. I've never ever cut my carbs before. The first couple of days were hard, after missing pasta, bread, and potato based foods, but now that I've learned I can easily live without them, it's not a big deal.
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