just starting out

just starting out...again- I am 37 years old and at my all time high weight. I am tired of hearing my own excuses and trying to change my life for the better. I was always the thin one in my family until after my second child. Really I got too busy with life and too lazy with my self. Weight loss means many different things to me. All of them positive. Wish me luck!


  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    We are all here to support each other ! We are already friends and will motivate each other !
  • Fae4
    Fae4 Posts: 7
    Thank you! I am so glad to have the support. I do not know anyone else who is dieting or working out for weight loss. Sure everyone is talking about their weight but not really doing anything about it. Just like I had been doing. It is hard to stay focused when you are going it alone.
  • kare77
    kare77 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi there :) I am in the exact same position as you, tall and slim my whole life until i had a baby now 3 kids later i am at my heaviest and just joined this 2 days ago and looking for support because it is hard to get started. Please add me.