starting again for the last time!

Ok so here I am again, trying to lose this weight I put on after I had my second child. Looking for friends and support! Need to lose about 50 pounds


  • Pinkylady80
    Pinkylady80 Posts: 445 Member
    Feel free to add me. I had twins, albeit they are 4 now so I can no longer blame them for my 'mummy tummy'. Trying to feel like 'me' again x
  • jenneliz38
    jenneliz38 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow twins, awesome! Mine are 5 and 1. Adding you now ☺
  • bexter771
    bexter771 Posts: 2 Member
    I've managed to lose about 30 pounds in 4 months keeping to tracking what I eat and also doing the 5:2 diet as found that worked for me. I am also a mum of 2. A 4 yr old and a 11 month old who is in to everything was determined to lose weight put on after 1st child let alone the 2nd and I've done it and I'm happy. Just got to tone up belly and under arms x
  • che1229
    che1229 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a new mom and need to loose 80lbs total. My goal for this year is 30 lbs by December. I'm extremely motivated and will loose it this time for good. I've dealt this this weight and food addiction for far too long and I'm ready to start a new life of fun and fitness. I just started weight training and doing cardio 3+ days a week. I have a 7 month old and a 8 year old stepson to keep up with so it's not easy but it'll be worth it!