New weight loss body is affecting my relationship with my boyfriend, support is much appreciated

I started my massive weight loss journey a few months before I met my boyfriend. After two years and 160 pounds down, my body is obviously not what most men would consider 'hot' or 'desirable' and I have learned that the hard way.

When I first met my boyfriend, I was much more heavier, but I was filled out nicely. I had big breasts, a nice butt, nice hips, no saggy skin.

Where as now after losing 160 pounds I have pretty much lost my breasts, they have become saggy, my butt isn't nearly as nice as it use to be, and I have a lot of saggy skin instead of being filled out nicely like I stated before.

My boyfriend and I are very open with each other. He confided in me the other night that he is not necessarily happy with my body but that he really loved me so he didn't really know what to do. He made the comment that he misses the way my breasts use to look. It hurts that my boyfriend isn't crazy/lusting over my body, but I understand. I don't feel like I make him happy and it's the fault of my own ugly body :/

Is anyone else here having this same issue?


  • blah2barbie
    blah2barbie Posts: 3 Member
    Aw that is terrible! I'm glad you are open with each other but love is love - appearance shouldn't be the biggest part of it. I am losing weight for me. For my health. Sure - I want my husband to drool , but that's only a plus. Congrats on losing so much! Work on. Toning up and you will be fine! Add me and good luck!
  • francoisd90
    francoisd90 Posts: 19 Member
    Before you consider changing your diet, I would consider changing your boyfriend :)

    Maybe for someone who loves you no matter how much (or how little) you weigh.

    And congrats on your weight loss !

  • carlypi314
    carlypi314 Posts: 42 Member
    I can appreciate his honesty but at the same time weight loss is not the only thing that will change your body. I've been married 10 years; time and 3 kids have definitely changed my body. Things aren't tight and perky like they used to be and there are stretch marks. Don't let the body changes from weight loss get you down. I hope you can find a way to work through this or find someone who still finds you beautiful throughout all the changes your body may make.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Your body is going to change, as you get older, as you have kids. Your boyfriend will either love you through it all or not. If he can't accept physical changes, unfortunately maybe he isn't the right one. Does he think his body will always look exactly as it does now? Would you be less attractd to him if he lost or gained weight, or had to have surgeries that caused imperfections?
  • Mariposa333408
    Mariposa333408 Posts: 14 Member
    (Not implying this is the right thing to do, but...) if he is not happy with your body and you feel unattractive versus proud of what you have accomplished, is he willing to be part of the solution and possibly support you emotionally and financially to getting what is called a "Mommy Makeover"? Are you losing weight and he is not? Be proud of yourself. It is okay to get the skin removed and girls lifted to enhance what you have done that you have accomplished and should be so proud of. Stay true to yourself, surround yourself with positive people, and do what is best for you.