Reversed Before and After-- Need Motivation!

Let this be a cautionary tale to all of you with success stories--the path downhill is much easier than the climb back up.

I used to work out like crazy and really watch what I ate. I love sports and I love healthy food. I transferred schools and went through a really tough two years, during which I worked as a bartender (and ate/drank like one, too). I've been meaning to make a LOT of life changes since Jan, but getting back on track is way harder than it was to stay on track before I gained almost 40lbs. I feel less motivated than I used to, and I find myself sitting around reading fitness magazines on my days off instead of getting off of the couch and actually working out. When I do work out, I don't have enough stamina to keep up with what I used to be able to do, and I find myself giving up earlier than I should and then going home and eating terribly because I'm depressed by it. I have to break this cycle! I'm hoping that keeping myself accountable to myself (no lying!) and others (hi!) will help me to stay focused and lose this weight in time to get to the lake in a bikini this summer.

BEFORE (I'm the blonde)--130lbs

AFTER -- 165lbs


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I used to work out like crazy and really watch what I ate. I transferred schools and went through a really tough two years, during which I worked as a bartender (and ate/drank like one, too). Lots of stress eating has taken its toll and I need to get back on track ASAP. I've been meaning to make a LOT of life changes since Jan, but getting back on track is way harder than it was to stay on track before I gained almost 40lbs. I feel less motivated than I used to, and I find myself sitting around reading fitness magazines on my days off instead of getting off of the couch and actually working out. When I do work out, I don't have enough stamina to keep up with what I used to be able to do, and I find myself giving up earlier than I should and then going home and eating terribly because I'm depressed by it. I have to break this cycle! I'm hoping that keeping myself accountable to myself (no lying!) and others (hi!) will help me to stay focused and lose this weight in time to get to the lake this summer.

    BEFORE (I'm the blonde)--130lbs

    AFTER -- 165lbs

    And my profile picture is a before picture, by the way. I'm using it to remind myself of what I'm working towards when I enter in my food/exercise. :)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    sorry, I tried. You have to upload the pix to photobucket or something and then use the IMG code..........only you have to change the IMG to small case img.
  • lianehunter
    Thanks! They should be posted correctly now.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    You can do it! It is worth the effort, and don't worry if you can't do quite as much as you used to. It will come back with time.

    I am working on my second round of major weight loss. I lost 60 lbs, and over the course of 10 years or so, I put 25 of that back on. Then another twenty in the past 2 years. The weight is coming off, and I am doing a lot more exercise this time, so I will be more fit. If I can do it, then you can too! Get moving!
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    wow you carry your weight well; I see a 10 pound gain, if that, not 35 pound one.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    U must be tall cuz 165 dont look bad on ya!
    Good luck
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I look great in all of your pics...but I totally understand you wanting to get back to your healthier weight!! I kinda did the same thing...I lost about 70lbs 6 yrs ago and put back on like 30 of it...since joining MFP in October I have lost that plus another 20!! you CAN do it...just remember how happy you were when you were there and how happy you will be when you get there again and you WILL do it!!
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I'm sure it doesn't help your motivation any to be told over and over that wow, you look great at 165, but it's still true.

    Anyway, the one thing that jumped out at me most is the emotional eating. That's the really big one to watch out for, the gateway to the binge eating that has put so many of us here into the obese category. Your muscles and heart will catch back up after a while, so don't worry about being out of shape now, but if you finish your way-harder-than-it-used-to-be workout with 1000+ calories you'll never get there. Accept where you are. Relax. Breathe. Let go of the past, and don't let yourself crap on your efforts in the present.

    You've got a history of athleticism, you've got a taste for healthy eating, and you only have 35 lbs or whatever to lose, so don't let yourself fall into the trap of thinking that this could be too hard for you to manage. Wasn't it hard learning sports? Didn't it take dedication and daily effort, pushing your limits as much as you could? You did that, right? This is almost the same exact thing, only with calorie restriction instead of skill development, so if anything it should be even easier. Getting back in good athletic shape is something that you are completely capable of accomplishing, and all you gotta do is unleash your inner badass, and suck it up for a few months. And I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, you just have to remind yourself when you catch yourself self-negating, feeling bad about how your workout went or whatever. Good luck.
  • suzitkd
    suzitkd Posts: 110
    all you gotta do is unleash your inner badass, and suck it up for a few months
    Love it. Will you be my friend please?!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Well..... I don't really know what to say because looking at those pictures, you still look terrific to me!!!! But I know what you mean.... Sounds like you just need a kick up the butt and you need to re-train your brain into 'healthy-mode' so you can get yourself back on track!! You did it before and look fab, I'm sure you can do it again and with the help of this site, learn how to maintain... You go missus!!!! X
  • willbthin2
    willbthin2 Posts: 31
    you still look great in your pictures!...but i guess if your not used to carrying that weight..then it must be a bit strange for you! xx
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