Bride to be - trying to slim down for May 2016 wedding - looking for other brides to be!



  • Fulcherj1
    Fulcherj1 Posts: 35 Member
    So many people have given you good advice on how to work your diet/exercise and utilize MFP.

    I just wanted to chime in and encourage you to stick with it through what is a very stressful time. I just got married a month ago and was in the same boat as you - wanting to lose weight to look good for the wedding! What I found helpful was to not beat myself up if my diet didn't go as planned for a day. There were so many food centered celebrations leading up to the wedding (engagement party, bridal shower, cake tasting, even just hanging out planning with the bridesmaids was rough since the they weren't dieting) BUT I sought a healthy balance of eating right and indulging a little on those days.

    When all was said and done I was not as thin as I *thought* I wanted to be on that day, but you know what, it didn't make one iota of difference. What mattered on that day was just the pure joy of being with family and friends for such an awesome occasion.

    I hope that all goes well for you and that you find your dress, that is such an awesome moment!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'd like to help you but i just find it frustrating when people ask for help and don't show us what you are eating. Open your diary please. It's really no big deal. We've all binged, eaten badly, and not as well as we're supposed to. Many people here still eat badly. No doubt in their minds, people would criticise the way I eat too but no one has done so out loud.

    I suspect eating at 1200 is simply your problem. It's too low. If you are lucky, come about three months, or a bit longer you'll hit a wall. I think you should eat more and i say this only based on how much i guess you weigh now and how much i guess you want ot lose and my own successful experience or losing weight without much exercise.

    When i started I put my diary at 1 one pound a week and I lost about 30 pounds in the first three months. This is because when you set your diary it works on an average loss. I lost steadily and easily and comfortably. In fact my dieting year in 2014 was the best food year of my life. All this hunger is going to back fire on you and the best way to fix it is to raise your daily calories as well as eat better food, (look for Low GI foods) and keep your meals reasonably close together. Don't live with hunger but eat nutritious foods. Eat fruit and vegetables. Eat legumes. Eat protein. Keep a food diary. I mean a proper food diary. Once you have the gist of how to eat to your calorie goal, you should find it easier and less time consuming to keep a simple food diary, not all this calorie counting. Its what i do.

    As your wedding approaches, you may find yourself getting busier and more stressed and that's a danger time for overeating and eating badly. Beware the stressful periods. They can bring you unstuck. Resolve any problems quickly. Get help from suitable people with any issues that arise. Don't sit on them doing nothing but worrying.
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    edited July 2015
    Patttience wrote: »
    I'd like to help you but i just find it frustrating when people ask for help and don't show us what you are eating. Open your diary please. It's really no big deal. We've all binged, eaten badly, and not as well as we're supposed to. Many people here still eat badly. No doubt in their minds, people would criticise the way I eat too but no one has done so out loud.

    I suspect eating at 1200 is simply your problem. It's too low. If you are lucky, come about three months, or a bit longer you'll hit a wall. I think you should eat more and i say this only based on how much i guess you weigh now and how much i guess you want ot lose and my own successful experience or losing weight without much exercise.

    When i started I put my diary at 1 one pound a week and I lost about 30 pounds in the first three months. This is because when you set your diary it works on an average loss. I lost steadily and easily and comfortably. In fact my dieting year in 2014 was the best food year of my life. All this hunger is going to back fire on you and the best way to fix it is to raise your daily calories as well as eat better food, (look for Low GI foods) and keep your meals reasonably close together. Don't live with hunger but eat nutritious foods. Eat fruit and vegetables. Eat legumes. Eat protein. Keep a food diary. I mean a proper food diary. Once you have the gist of how to eat to your calorie goal, you should find it easier and less time consuming to keep a simple food diary, not all this calorie counting. Its what i do.

    As your wedding approaches, you may find yourself getting busier and more stressed and that's a danger time for overeating and eating badly. Beware the stressful periods. They can bring you unstuck. Resolve any problems quickly. Get help from suitable people with any issues that arise. Don't sit on them doing nothing but worrying.

    OP didn't really ask for help, was more interested in meeting other brides to be for support and advice. She's doing great so far (11lbs in 32 days is just over 2lbs a week if my maths is correct) and has been given a lot of good advice to make this journey sustainable for the long term.

    Also why are you guessing at her stats and goals when OP has provided that information? Maybe read the whole thread next time.

    Also, meal timing has nothing to do with weight loss...

    I do agree with the last paragraph though.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    kerijane88 wrote: »
    In the uk, most dress shops want 6-9 months lead in time from when you order your dress.

    If I was you I'd order a dress in your current size - alterations are usually a set price anyway once you need a certain amount of work doing. If you're really confident you'll lose then go one size smaller - generally wedding dress sizes are cut small.

    Thank you.. I didn't know this, I think I assumed I could just pick one up with a few weeks to go.. oops. I am determined to be a size 12 by the wedding but as you say they are cut small. Maybe I will opt for a basque type top which can be altered easily.

    Most wedding dresses are made for you, so you pick the one you want, try on the sample in the shop and then the dress is made for you, hence needing months notice. Unless you get a sample or discontinued dress in the sale.

    A corset dress will help, as the lacing can be tighter/looser
  • kerijane88
    kerijane88 Posts: 9 Member
    OP didn't really ask for help, was more interested in meeting other brides to be for support and advice. She's doing great so far (11lbs in 32 days is just over 2lbs a week if my maths is correct) and has been given a lot of good advice to make this journey sustainable for the long term.

    Also why are you guessing at her stats and goals when OP has provided that information? Maybe read the whole thread next time.

    Also, meal timing has nothing to do with weight loss...

    I do agree with the last paragraph though. [/quote]

    Thank you. I tend to not eat when stressed so hopefully that will stop any pounds creeping back on!
  • kerijane88
    kerijane88 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you to everyone...advice here is great. I don't have a good healthy variety of foods in my diet so I am probably not utilising my calories well at all, hence the hunger. I can understand this now thanks to this discussion...
    Will be seeking advice on better foods to start introducing if anyone has any tips. I am trying to stay away from carbs as much as possible from here onwards, is this the right thing to do?
    Mostly my meal plan for this week contains chicken, ham, egg, cereal and vegetables.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    kerijane88 wrote: »
    Thank you to everyone...advice here is great. I don't have a good healthy variety of foods in my diet so I am probably not utilising my calories well at all, hence the hunger. I can understand this now thanks to this discussion...
    Will be seeking advice on better foods to start introducing if anyone has any tips. I am trying to stay away from carbs as much as possible from here onwards, is this the right thing to do?
    Mostly my meal plan for this week contains chicken, ham, egg, cereal and vegetables.

    I wouldn't really bother leaving out carbs now because when you reintroduce them, you'll gain back all the water weight etc.

    Just count your calories, eat in a deficit and you'll lose.