Your 1st 5K experience?

SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm doing the C25K program and was just wondering about others' experiences...
Tell me about your 1st 5k! long it took you, how you felt, did you run the whole way or walk some?
...anything you can tell me, I want to know :bigsmile:
I hope to do my 1st 5K in the fall. I'm only into WK1 so far.


  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    my first 5K I trained for for 3 months. I ran it in 26:38. it was about 37 degrees F outside. SOOO COLD. I ran with my sister in law so we held each other accountable. My training started from me being SOOOO out of shape to being able to run at a less than 9 min pace. with the right training and mindset anything is possible!!!
  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161

    I am running my first on the Fourth of July! I am on Week 8. Just finished 7 actually today. I plan to walk and run some on the Fourth. I hope to finish in 45 minutes.

    I didn't think that I could ever ever run 25 minutes in a row, but today was my fourth time. And it was the easiest. The program pulls you along and builds you up. I can't wait till Monday, it will be my first time of 28 minutes. :D It will be awesome.

    Good luck. I'm looking forward to reading the other responses.
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
  • my first 5k was this year and it was truly life changing. I realized that if I could do this that i can truly do anything. I think I weighed about 205 when I did it and realize that the more i lose the faster I will get. The biggest mistake I made was keeping my earbuds in and LOUD..I wish I would've 'experienced' it a bit more because there were people cheering us on the whole way...Also I didn't know where I was so not knowing if I was halfway or almost done sucked...from then on I always check the route before I run so I know where to physically push myself and where to just go at a steady pace. Right before this huge hill I started walking, telling myself that if I could just get past the hill I would be alright. Little did I know that the finish line was at the end of the hill and I should've been running as hard as I could instead of walking right then. I did it in 39 minutes which I think was great for a beginner :) I did a better time in my last one and believe I'll improve each's pretty addicting to want to keep pushing yourself to do better. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!! Just enjoy it and above all don't let your mind wander to negative places. I believe having a mantra is truly the key for me...I kept saying "this is easy" over and over :) can't wait to read about others experiences!

    ETA: i learned the hard way to never ever ever pace yourself with a random stranger doing the same race...there pace will NEVER be your pace! live and learn :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I did my 1st 5k in 2006 with a time of 39 minutes. I trained on a treadmill and was capable of running the whole thing (slowly), but on the race day I ended up walking some of it. The problem was, I was so used to having the treadmill to pace me, that when I didn't have it I ran my 1st mile way too fast and had to walk part of the 2nd mile.

    I am currently doing the couck 2 5k as well for a race in august. I just did day 1 of week 2 today. My plan is to try to use both the treadmill and run outside as preparation, so that I learn to better pace myself.

    Good luck with your training! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to keep in touch and help motivate each other as we both train.
  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to run. I never thought I'd be able to... so far I'm not doing super, lol. BUT I'm staying positive because I've heard wonderful things from others who've done the program.
    I can run 4 miles in 50 minutes on the elliptical, but running in the real world is harder... :laugh:
  • 224BILL
    224BILL Posts: 29
    As a matter of fact I ran my first 5k today, I am 40 years old so I was in the 40 - 44 class. I finished 18th overall and there were 228 runners. I finished it in 19 minutes and 28 seconds. Since I joined MFP I have lost 33 lbs. I had lost 19 prior to that. I was so excited I turned the first mile in at 6:27 min/mile pace. I have never been a runner but over the last five months I have grown to love it. After today I hope to have many more races in my future. Good LUCK!!!!!!!!!
  • nsciambi
    nsciambi Posts: 70 Member
    My first 5K was a Turkey Trot. At the time, I had never ran three miles.

    When I signed up, I didn't realize that the course was a cross country course, through woods with lots of steep climbs. Luck would have it that it rained the night before and the trail was a cold, muddy mess. I was used to running on the road, I did the best I could, walking when I needed to, slipping and sliding on occasion, and getting filthy in the process. It was challenging, but also a fabulous experience. My time 36-37 minutes, and I was so proud of myself when I finished. It was such a great sense of accomplishment, even if I did walk part of it.

    A year later, my 5K time was 30:19. I'm hoping for a 28 min 5K by this fall.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My first 5k was my 2nd race. I did a 4.5 miler the week before that, and had to walk some of it. I was still very happy with my time of 46:35. I typically jogged at 5.5 mph on the treadmill, so averaging about 5.8 mph including the walk breaks was fantastic!

    The first 5k was great. Very cold - about 23 F with snow on the ground - and I was happy to be able to run the whole distance and finish in 29:42. I've since done two more 5k races - finishing both at just under and just over 28 minutes, and a 5 miler in 45:17.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    i'm doing the c210k - same idea, but shooting for a 10k instead of a 5k. Training is a little different too - shorter runs, longer walking/recovery, but the workout is twice as long. I'm on week 7 of 13 and will be running my first 5k on July 4. Right now, I'm SLLOOOOWWWWWWW. I guess I average about 18:30 pace and run about 3.5 - 4 miles per workout (takes me just about 1 hour, maybe more depending on the workout). I'm not sure if I'll try to run all of it or walk a portion of my first 5k.

    One thing I found is when I got my HRM, it really opened my eyes to where my heartrate should be. It SLOWED me WAY down, BUT... I didn't have any more issues with breathing and felt like I could go on forever - instead of PRAYING for the end of the intervals! :laugh: I'll make sure to wear it for my first 5k so I make sure to not go too fast (and wear myself out early).

    If you can afford a good heart rate monitor, I'd highly suggest getting it. I only wish I had it earlier on when I was having such trouble (and having to repeat weeks). I'm pretty sure now I was pushing too hard and fast - and killing myself in the process.
  • keschuh79
    keschuh79 Posts: 29
    I did my first 5k a little over a year ago. I wanted to prove to myself that in spite of all the "i'll never be a runner" comments I'd told myself over the years, I could do it. I trained about three months prior. Completed it 43 minutes in wind and snow (and it was May for Pete's sake!). My feet were like frozen bricks as I trekked along. It sucked! lol. But I've never been so proud! Well that and I was pretty darn proud of the 8k I ran this year. And again in crappy wind and snow... and freezing rain too. Apparently I have an affinity for running in the worst weather ever lol. Keep my fingers crossed my 5k this weekend will be much nicer.

    Good luck!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I ran my first one in November 2009. It was a VERY small race, and I actually placed 2nd in my age group with a time of 30:20. I've run several since then, and my fastest time was 29:14. I'm not too concerned about time...just the experience, and I love collecting the shirts! :wink: I ran a 10K last June, and I am running my first half marathon in a week. :smile:

    Good luck! You can do it!!!!
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    I couldn't tell you the first 5k I ever ran. I can tell you about a couple of the recent ones I've ran...

    There was the EOD wounded warrior project 5k/10k race that I ran 39:42 in (7 May 2011)
    There was the Memorial Day 5k that I ran 38:34 in Vibram FiveFingers (28 May 2011)

    There have been a couple others that I've ran, and I try to implement a 5k in my weekly regimen. However, I never time myself as I'm just trying to make sure I get to the end of the race in one piece since I'm running in minimalist shoes! Eventually, I'm gonna have the 8.1 mile course on my weekly regimen... that's still 60 days out tho
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    My first 5K I walked and didn't run. It was on July 4th, and was in the lower 90's before the sun was even shining fully. I did it in about 52 minutes.
  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for all of the replies! I'll admit... I'm afraid of coming in last. I'm sure that even if I do though, I'll still be able to say that I ran a 5K! :laugh:
  • nsciambi
    nsciambi Posts: 70 Member
    Even the person who finishes last finishes ahead all the people at home on their couches or still in bed. Just finishing is a victory.

    * FWIW, I highly doubt you'll come in last.
    Thank you for all of the replies! I'll admit... I'm afraid of coming in last. I'm sure that even if I do though, I'll still be able to say that I ran a 5K! :laugh:
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    My first 5k was May 15, 2010. It actually took place in a local pasture, so we were always on the lookout for "cow pies"! I had trained for only about 1 1/2 months, if that long. There were a few hills (now I wouldn't call them hills, but I didn't know how to train and didn't train on hills). My time was 40:50. I trained hard for the next 5k, which was June 19, 2010 and had a PR with a time of 33:02. I have since ran 1 more 5k, a 10k that I did at home which was a time of 1:08:00 and a half marathon (i won't mention the time because I'm trying to forget it and move on and get a PR for the half in Nov). Running become addictive to me and my husband. Good job to everyone out there, and good luck in the future.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    My first one is going to be Saturday...OMG! I'm freaking out a bit. I have the same fear...being dead last. But I'm getting over that. Now I'm focusing on finishing. I'm doing a modified C25K. I did my jog/walk intervals last night in 44 minutes for 5km. Not bad...maybe I can get closer to 40 for race day.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I did my 1st 5k in 2006 with a time of 39 minutes. I trained on a treadmill and was capable of running the whole thing (slowly), but on the race day I ended up walking some of it. The problem was, I was so used to having the treadmill to pace me, that when I didn't have it I ran my 1st mile way too fast and had to walk part of the 2nd mile.

    This is so true - I only use the treadmill if I have too - I find it so much harder to run outside.

    My 1st 5k is July 13th and I'm fretting as I have two sets of 5 days away between now and then....and have quite a bit more training to do!
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