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OT: I'd rather be alone than spend one minute dating

Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
those guys whose profiles I am looking at on various dating sites.... UGH! I cannot BELIEVE how American men make themselves so unattractive! It's not that I think looks are EVERYthing, but for goodness sake, if there is no attraction, you can't have a relationship.... Just sayin'


  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    I think i agree, most of the information men put on those sites is BS anyway!!
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    Attractiveness is not everything in a good relationship, but still you are right you have to be a little bit attractive. I met my wife online and I love her so much and the best of online dating, is that you can be yourself and not someone else :-) . Good luck :-)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    I met my partner on a dating site and was very attracted to him which sparked a great relationship however i have heard all to many times of friends meeting guys (and girls) who aren't who they made out to be. I think it comes down to honesty - perhaps these people are not happy with themselves and are not confident enough to be the real them.
  • kennyt
    kennyt Posts: 3
    You would expect that peeps on dating sites would talk themselves up and post better photos of themselves but if that is the best some of them are doing and they still look like that then they might as well give up.

    Whilst I dont want that to seem like a vain and shallow comment it does sound like one. I also agree looks are not the full thing but attraction is key to any relationship.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i think sometimes the brain plays tricks on us! i once dated someone not so attractive but loved his personality! i swear his looks started to change and by the end found him very attractive! good luck!
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    i think sometimes the brain plays tricks on us! i once dated someone not so attractive but loved his personality! i swear his looks started to change and by the end found him very attractive! good luck!

    Been there!!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I knowwwww, I knowwwwww.... I don't want to appear so incredibly shallow.... but the reason I gained the 5 lbs I need to take off is because I fell for someone who is physically gorgeous but has Borderline Personality Disorder. Not that I am sooooo "perfect," but I got badly hurt and am still not over it and it broke my self-esteem.
    How I would LOVE to meet someone who is TRULY charming, compassionate, dedicated, talented, emotionally healthy, AND attractive to me.... Sigh. Meanwhile - thanks to all MFP's for putting up with my little rant.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    i think sometimes the brain plays tricks on us! i once dated someone not so attractive but loved his personality! i swear his looks started to change and by the end found him very attractive! good luck!

    Awesome! So there's hope for me yet. :smile: But seriously, I did the online dating thing a few years back. At that time, a female friend was too, and she shared with me the profiles of some of the guys who had contacted her. Wow, I did notice what the OP said about American men. For being on online dating sites, they weren't, um, exactly putting their best foot forward, and if they were, then sheesh...Lord help em. But, it did eventually work out for her. She met a really nice guy and they are still together. As for me, well, don't go there... :cry:
  • Pookieboy
    Pookieboy Posts: 7
    Borderline Personnality Disorder is a big deal!!