Looking for advice on breakfast & snack foods please

Hi All,

I'm in the UK and will start my diet in a couple of weeks. I understand that breakfast is a very important meal and am looking for some recipe ideas that are easy to prepare / heat up at work.

The other advice I'm looking for is what snacks can I eat during the day as I'm dreading feeling hungry.

I'm looking to lose about 3 stone (42 pounds) in around 9 months.

Thanks in advance.


  • sarahrmli
    sarahrmli Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2015
    Breakfast for me generally always includes eggs. Do you like French toast (eggy bread) and tin plum toms?

    Poached egg on potato cake with water cress, very filling. Remember to have a big glass of orange juice.
  • sarahrmli
    sarahrmli Posts: 9 Member
    If you're looking for easy options boiled eggs with toast and some wheatabix!
  • jayj1982
    jayj1982 Posts: 11 Member
    I like to go to work really early, so I tend to make my breakfast the night before. Then I can pack it into my "lunchbox" and eat it during my first morning break.

    I will make a batch of quinoa the night before and portion it into single serving containers to put into the refrigerator. Then in the morning I use a drizzle of maple syrup and whatever fruit I have available (usually in season so for example right now I am using blueberries I picked at a farm). The quinoa also is nice warm if I make it in the morning before work.

    I will also hard boil one or two eggs the night before and have them peeled before refrigerating them so I can eat them at work. I also supplement my breakfast with kefir or greek yogurt. So the quinoa, eggs, and yogurt are all pretty easy to prepare and fill me up in the mornings until lunch.