Is anyone else trying to lose baby weight?



  • JennaVee2010
    JennaVee2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! I have baby weight to lose from my irish twins. I recently stopped breastfeeding and I'm ready to kick these extra pounds to the curb! I would like to lose at least 50 pounds (the weight I put on through both pregnancies and breastfeeding), but my long-term goal is 75 pounds.
  • missmj222
    missmj222 Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me too! When I delivered in January I was 235. I'm down to 175 but now I'm stuck! No matter what I do that number on the scale won't budge. My goal is to get back to 135ish.
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    me! I had #3 April 23rd and I am having a terrible time losing. I weighed 188 when I got pregnant (sadly a low point in weight for my adult life)- I am currently 205, after gaining 10 lbs back I had lost post-partum. I am nursing and struggle with the constant hunger- add to that a 5 and 3 year old,renovating a house and moving, and I just don't make myself a priority. I am so tired of the excuses though. I will get my eating under control by consistently tracking- I know this brings me success!
  • CynnamonSweets
    CynnamonSweets Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, I too am struggling with baby #3 weight loss. I was at 230 when I got pregnant and went up to 270. I had my baby two months ago and got down to 239 within two weeks of having her. Today when I weighed myself I was up to 245 again (eek)! I need motivation and I'm determined to make it out of the 200s by next year. Feel free to add me ladies and if you do make a mommy weight loss group please let me know.
  • CynnamonSweets
    CynnamonSweets Posts: 47 Member
    I'm trying to lose the baby weight too! Anyone interested in starting a new group for moms so we can motivate one another?

    I think that is a good idea. How do we go about it?
  • Volcomstar1125
    Volcomstar1125 Posts: 10 Member
    Baby weight seems to be the hardest to lose! I now have a VERY active 1 and a half year old, so I am super motivated to lose weight! I am the heaviest I have ever been as well. we can do this! For the babies! LOL :smiley:
  • elizabethdeken
    elizabethdeken Posts: 2 Member
    Yep, me too. I want to lose at least 30 lbs, but after the second kid I just can't find the time or energy. But the last kid turns 2 in a month and I still have the baby weight from both pregnancies! I need to get serious but I just can't seem to do it!
  • AngelaAlario
    AngelaAlario Posts: 46 Member
    My baby will be 4 months on the 24th and I haven't lost a pound since she was 2 weeks :-( I have 40 pounds to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight plus another 20 or so to get back to a normal, healthy weight. So depressing. Getting serious starting today though!!!
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm 9 1/2 months pp, I lost the baby weight and 10 extra pounds so far. I exercise 30 minutes a day, 5-6x/week. Feel free to add me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My third baby is 14 months old now and I still have 15-20lbs to lose. We've had a tough time with her as she has enlarged adenoids so gets congested and pukes every single night, so we're exhausted. Waiting on an ENT referral to have them out.

    I always gain loads in pregnancy and it takes ages to lose. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby, but it took me around 20 months.

    I workout a lot, an average of 5 times a week, and I'm really active.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I am currently pregnant for the 3rd time, but before I got pregnant I lost all my baby weight and more, totaling over 65 lbs in like 8 months I think. I didn't start till my second child was around 2 though, I was just tired of feeling uncomfortable in my clothes and had a reality check when I bought some size 14 shorts and couldn't pull them past my thighs, I had a complete break down. When I first started I wasn't as committed as I should have been, but the last 5 months of it the weight was dropping like crazy. I contribute most of it to the fact that I no longer had to work a normal job and was able to be a stay at home mom which allowed me to spend more time exercising and preparing my own food rather than eating out for breakfast and lunch at work then sitting at a desk all day. I was able to be more active with my kids and just stay constantly moving. I spent a lot of time researching about weight loss and tips and tricks, the mental side, and I loved looking at others before and afters, kept me motivated big time. It wasn't easy but it is very possible. But seriously after a while, working out became fun for me and wasn't a task. I spent any idle moment working out rather than sitting on couch watching TV and it really paid off. I truly think Insanity workout is a miracle worker if you stick to it. I also supplemented with fitnessblender, superherofitness, and pop pilates. Oh and I can't forget mfp, without keeping track of my calorie intake and burn I wouldn't have been as successful. Good luck you can do it.