Healthy Grocery List

Good Morning All! :drinker:

I'm having a hard time deciding what groceries I should have on hand to better support my goals. Does anyone mind posting a sample grocery list of some of the items they typically buy and have been successful with? I'm open to anything, BUT unfortunately, I am allergic to ALL nuts and ALL fish except tuna. Thanks!



  • FatMama1964
    well, I am just starting off but I always have cherry tomatoes to snack on - pea pods (very filling and yummy) and south beach protein fit bars (also very filling) I am fortunate that I live one mile down a quiet road to a supermarket, and so I walk to the supermarket to pick up dinner.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    fresh veggies are always a good healthy snack. i also use fresh fruit. even though they have calories i figure its a whole lot better than a cookie, chips, or chocolate. hope this helps.:)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Shop the outside ilse of the store. Fresh fruits and Veggies, Lean meats and Whole grain Lower calorie Breads. Look for healthy recipes you like before you go. When you get there get what you need for those recipes. You can look up healthy recipes online. Since only you know what you like to eat it's hard for others to tell you what to buy.
    Good Luck!
  • JazzyJanel
    JazzyJanel Posts: 5
    Thanks! I love cherry tomatoes, and will try the South Beach bars. I'm realizing I need to start preparing to stop by the grocery store more often now that I'm eating less processed and shelf-life friendly foods:D
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    I cant remember for the life of me where i got this list but its an amazing guide!

    1. Reduced fat milk … I always buy skim to save on calories while getting my vitamins in.
    2. Reduced fat cheese
    3. Egg replacement product … I love EggBeaters egg whites only.
    4. Yogurt … I choose one with active cultures for digestive health.

    5. Bananas … A great source of potassium, I buy the green ones so they’ll last longer.
    6. Oranges
    7. Apples
    8. Strawberries
    9. Apricots
    10. Bing cherries
    11. Blueberries … I’ve heard these lower cholesterol and the antioxidants fight cancers.
    12. Cantaloupe
    13. Guava
    14. Watermelon

    15. Broccoli
    16. Carrots
    17. Legumes … I get canned here because they have a better shelf life.
    18. Spinach
    19. Pumpkin … Canned pumpkin has even more vitamin A than fresh!
    20. Sweet potatoes
    21. Tomatoes … I buy canned because they’re a great source of lycopene.
    22. Black beans
    23. Onions
    24. Avocados
    25. Collard greens

    26. Whole wheat breads
    25. Whole wheat sandwich buns
    26. Whole wheat dinner rolls
    27. Brown rice … I’m careful to read the labels, because many brands are just died brown.
    28. Whole grain breakfast cereals
    29. Whole wheat pasta
    30. Steel cut oatmeal … I was resistant to this, but after I saw Dr. Oz talk about it on Oprah, I tried it and love it!
    31. Barley
    32. Quinoa

    33. Lean ground beef
    34. Skinless chicken breast or tenderloin
    35. Turkey cutlets
    36. Pork chops
    37. Lean lunch meat … I love the Boar’s Head brand from my local deli.
    38. Canned light tuna, packed in water
    39. Canned salmon … I love Natural Sea Wild Premium Pink because it really tastes like salmon!

    40. Light popcorn … I love kettle popcorn when I need a salty snack that’s still healthy.
    41. Graham crackers
    42. Nuts
    43. Seeds
    44. Trail mix … My favorite is Fisher Nature’s Nut Mix because it isn’t too salty or sweet.
    45. Applesauce
    46. Canned fruits, packed in water
    47. Vegetable chips, baked
    48. Raisins … I’m careful of dried fruit because it packs more calories per bite, but I just love Sunmaid Raisins.
    49. Pretzels
    50. Granola bars … I love Nature’s Valley Peanut Butter because its only 90 calories a bar.

    so delish! i also always have baked crisps / walkers "french fries" on hand too. x
  • rcsusana
    rcsusana Posts: 3
    My usual grocery list:

    Fruits & Vegetables
    Variety of nuts (natural, no salt)
    Light Deli Meats (low sodium varieties)
    Low calorie bread
    Whole wheat wraps/tortillas
    Light meats (chicken, turkey, etc)
    Whole wheat pastas
    Whole grain cereals w/protein & fiber (Kashi GoLean)
    Skim Milk
    Eggs (I mostly eat egg whites)
    Olive Oil spray
    Protein shakes and bars
    Fiber one yogurts (low calorie, low sugar)
    Low-fat cheeses
    Natural peanut butter or Reduced-fat peanut butter

    All we drink at home are milk, water, coffee, and diet V8 juices
    We also don't have any sweets, chips, ice cream, etc. Out of sight, out of mind!
    Hope this helps! :)
  • JazzyJanel
    JazzyJanel Posts: 5
    Wow! Thanks! I'm going to print this list out now and get to shopping:D
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    I normally buy whole wheat pasta, zero fat mayonaisse (smart balance); spinach, yams (i bake those); tomatoes, zucchini, and other veggies, mangoes, strawberries, cherries, oranges, bananas, apples (which i often eat almost every day); clif bars (oatmeal raisin walnut and chocolate brownie versions are amazing); triscuit hint of salt wheat crackers; mozzarella cheese string cheeses, gingersnaps (if i want a cookie); brown rice, raw almonds (no sodium version), fat free popcorn (act II or popsecret version).
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    The healthy rule of thumb is to buy more items on the outer perimeter of the store. This is generally where the produce, meat, dairy and less-processed foods can be found.

    My regular items:
    Broccoli cole slaw (goes on salad, in eggs, wraps)
    Celery (cut up into sticks and take to work for my mid-morning snack with a little peanut butter or a wedge of Laughing Cow)
    Apples (try to find small ones, I eat one every day)
    Eggs (I only eat egg whites)
    Wheat sandwich thins (there is one that's 90 calories and replaces buns for hamburgers)
    Healthy Life 35 calorie wheat bread (even fools my husband who doesn't eat anything healthy)
    96% Hamburger
    Buffalo steaks (in the summer)
    Extra lean pork roast or tenderloin (goes in the crock pot to save on dinner prep)
    Boneless chicken breast (I cook a pound on Sunday, chop it up and use it throughout the week in salad & wraps)
    Laughing Cow
    Yogurt (low carb and/or low sugar if I can find it)
    Skim milk

    I also eat fish a couple of times a week.

    I almost forgot the most important item! Russel Stovers variety sugar free chocolates (keep these at my office and have one when I need a chocolate fix).
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    also the following:

    kidney beans
    black beans
    low fat chocolate pudding
    greek yogurt (chobani or FAGE)
    pomegrante blueberry juice
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    Bump! All great suggestions!
  • shufie
    shufie Posts: 11
  • lynndu
    lynndu Posts: 8
  • silveryflutterby
    some of my staples are:

    baby carrots
    triscuit light salt (only 50 mg of salt per serving)
    lightly salted or unsalted rice cakes
    jiff natural crunchy peanut butter (only 65 mg sodium)
    snyders old tyme pretzels (lowest sodium i've found)
    egg whites
    green peppers
    100 calorie popcorn
    fiber plus coconut fudge (taste like girl scout samoas!) - for sweet tooth
    oatmeal for breakfast

    jennie-o extra lean ground turkey breast
    boneless skinless chicken breast
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Since it's just me around, I don't have a need for all of this stuff every week, but here is what you can typically find in my cart at the grocery store:

    - Skim milk
    - Cheese (I buy the Mini Babybel Light, and chevre goat cheese or feta)
    - Greek yogurt (I like Chobani and Fage)
    - Eggs
    - Tofu

    Fruits and Vegetables:
    (Ok, on this one, I usually kind of think about what I want to make for the week and shop according to that, but here's some things I usually buy)
    - Onion
    - Tomato
    - Apples
    - Cherries or Berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.)
    - Bananas (like someone else, I buy them green so they'll last longer)
    - Sweet potato (sweet potato + veggie chili = awesome lunch!)
    - Zucchini and yellow squash (in the summer), acorn squash or butternut squash (in the winter)
    - Carrots (I buy the pound or two of regular carrots and a bag of baby carrots for snacking)
    - Beets
    - Fresh herbs
    - Spinach
    - Anything else that looks good and is in season

    Dry goods:
    - Whole grains (Brown rice, barley, steel cut oats, quinoa, amaranth)
    - Whole wheat crackers
    - Granola
    - Kashi Go Lean Cereal (this is fairly low in sugar and contains 13 grams of protein per serving)
    - Lentils
    - Canned beans
    - Canned tomatoes
    - Shredded coconut (you mentioned being allergic to nuts, but coconut is actually a fruit so you might be able to have this)

    - Whatever frozen fruits and veggies I want that aren't in season (peas, corn, etc.)
    - Veggie crumbles
    - 1-2 frozen entrees (just in case I get way too busy to cook and need a healthy lunch)

    The best thing I can recommend is buying what you know that you'll eat. For instance, I won't buy mushrooms because I hate them and to me, they taste like feet. But I'll buy onions because I put them in almost everything. But don't be so against something new that you don't give it a shot becaus it might just be the next big thing for you. :-)
  • Jackee357
    Jackee357 Posts: 37
  • nycegurl74
    nycegurl74 Posts: 26 Member
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
  • browneyes1022