Does anyone else have weird motivation methods that they secretly use?



  • rhiannacastro1
    rhiannacastro1 Posts: 2 Member
    I workout with my fiancé. We both get in those moods where we just don't feel like it. So we push each other and hold each other accountable. I know we go full force when the other is watching, so it definitely helps.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Dariasen wrote: »
    I've bought a few pieces of clothing that are just 1 size smaller than I am now. I hang them in front of the mirror and try them on once a week. Being able to add some into my clothing rotation is like getting to shop twice!

    I've done this. Works for me too.
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    edited July 2015
    I look at pictures of other fit girls on Tumblr.

    When i do that I am a perv.
  • shaferbier
    shaferbier Posts: 1 Member
    I usually look myself in the mirror and grabs' the fat I dislike! Or try on clothes, oh shi'''. And like another said; it motivates me to walk / do more exercise if I want to eat some delicious = more calories to have fun with :b
    But I think the biggest motivator is when I count all my calories - I really don't feel like eating junk food now!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    I do have weird motivation methods but they are secret ;)
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    SharpTeeth wrote: »
    When I'm at the gym I like to watch the Food Network. I still have a love affair with food, though I guess it's a long distance one now. Show me something delicious and I lose all track of time and pain.

    I did that when I used to go to the gym!! Now I pick a show to watch on Netflix that I can ONLY watch if I'm on the elliptical at home - great motivator to see what happens next AND get in a good workout!!
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    I put my goals in present tense. Like "damn I look good at 10% body fat" or "I have crazy energy without those extra 20 pounds of fat"

    Sounds weird, but effective.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    Don't laugh: I watch Rocky (the movie) or Mr. Mom - the part where he's gets his mojo back :wink:
  • CynnamonSweets
    CynnamonSweets Posts: 47 Member
    For me the show that gets me going is Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.
  • Harleyb87
    Harleyb87 Posts: 279 Member
    I just look at pictures of really fit people everyday
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    There's a forum on reddit called fatlogic. I find it very useful and motivational.
  • LyaNox
    LyaNox Posts: 9 Member
    I just thought about doing this yesterday. Now I know I am not crazy :)
    Dariasen wrote: »
    I've bought a few pieces of clothing that are just 1 size smaller than I am now. I hang them in front of the mirror and try them on once a week. Being able to add some into my clothing rotation is like getting to shop twice!

  • gina1255
    gina1255 Posts: 1 Member
    SharpTeeth wrote: »
    When I'm at the gym I like to watch the Food Network. I still have a love affair with food, though I guess it's a long distance one now. Show me something delicious and I lose all track of time and pain.

    I did that when I used to go to the gym!! Now I pick a show to watch on Netflix that I can ONLY watch if I'm on the elliptical at home - great motivator to see what happens next AND get in a good workout!!

    YES! I did this with weights and Mad Men and WAY back in the day with the Hills.
  • LemonadeCandy_
    LemonadeCandy_ Posts: 195 Member
    I used to look at pictures of other fit people as motivation, and sometimes I still do, but I find that it leads me personally down a path of "Well my bones are bigger, I'm built wider, my legs are stocky, etc and I'll never look like that" which brings me down. So instead I look at old pictures of...myself! When I was at a weight I want to get back to. And I get inspired because that's me, I know I can look like that because I did once, so that works better for me! Sounds a little vain, though ;)
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    Don't judge me but (or judge away, I reeeeally don't care), there's a particular porn star that I aspire to look like when I reach my goal*, and I may or may not be getting her calendar for my living room. :D(AKA the place of all the workout video activities.)

    *Before anyone jumps down my throat, I know you shouldn't aim to look exactly like specific people. I use her shape as a motivator because a) she's built like me, b) she used to be bigger and slimmed down a LOT, and c) she's my bra size twin. So yeah, I'm super motivated by her body! :D
  • jlmoormann
    jlmoormann Posts: 4 Member
    As others have said, TV helps. My 600lb life freaks me out (I got really heavy and was having problems going up and down stairs which started my health change). Also (and my kid thinks this is akin to an eating disorder) I watch a LOT of food network. You would think that would just make me hungry, but now that I have been eating healthier for 3 months, I'm totally sated by watching someone pound out a pork chop, filling it with herbed cream cheese, wrapping it in bacon and deep frying it. I know if I ate it, I'd be sick, but watching Guy Fieri eat it makes me feel like I've just binged :)

    Super weird, but it works for me.
  • aithnyc02
    aithnyc02 Posts: 34 Member
    I used to work out on a regular basis my freshman year of high school becuase i was in JROTC and i was class leader so my motivation was i better get fit and be able to do all the P.T excersises becuase if im in front of the class "leading" i better do it right. One time i did something wrong and my instructor yelled at me so bad i cried. Didnt really want to go through that again. Plus it was cool being a girl and being able to do more push ups then some of the boys so we would have little compettions with eachother. Another big motivation for me was when i would have a crush on a boy i would work out extra cuz i wanted to look good for them lol
  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    I watch sports on TV while on the treadmill and think about being a strong, fast athlete. I also look at clothes on Polyvore and choose outfits i'll be able to wear when I lose weight.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    I watched a bit of the tour en France (or whatever it's called) - the bike race, the other day and I found myself thinking about it during the end of my spin class. I was like if they can bike across France, then I can get through this class.

    Biggest loser motivates me to push myself too. If I'm struggling with the last couple of reps I picture Jillian yelling at me to not foam it in haha. I always think the contestants are kinda pathetic when they can't finish their workout, so I finish to avoid being like them.

    Looking at pictures is a big motivator for me too. I use pinterest for that. I also like looking at my progression pics and just seeing the results in the mirror really.
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    I listen to a couple of Arnie videos from youtube :o