New C25k Group (5/25) open to everyone

I've been wanting to try out the Couch to 5k Challenge for a while now and figured that with all of the groups out there that I could start my own to help keep track. I say that we just post to check in every now and again to say how we're doing! If you don't know what the C25k is, it's a running program to help us out of shape couch potatoes become runners, you can find the whole program here:


  • curlyelm
    curlyelm Posts: 73

    I would like to start this next week, I ran a 10k last year, having never run before, so this definately works either to start you running, or get you going again!

    Would you mind if I joined you from Tuesday?

  • Deran18
    Deran18 Posts: 8
    I'm interested as well! I've been looking for a program that will help me increase my running abilities (speed and distance). And the group motivation should help some to keep me on track!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Count me in!
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    Just finished the first day, not as bad as I thought it would be!

    @curlyelm of course, you can join whenever, I completely understand that everyone has different schedules
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I've just finished the first day of this ... I nearly died. I'm doing it with my 12 year old daughter who is waaaaaaay fitter than me. I really thought I would be able to jog for 60 seconds, but I think I only managed the full 60 once! I'm ashamed of how unfit I am :( I was shuffling along like an old woman! I think I might have to do week 1 more than once.

    Would be good to go through this with a group at the same stage of the programme here :)
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I would like to join you! :)
  • keelekat
    keelekat Posts: 13
    Finished week 1! Felt like I was going to die the first few times, but think I'm getting stronger... at one point today I got lost in a dream world and by the time I remembered to check my phone I'd been jogging (albeit slowly) for 2 minutes! Yay! I can't wait until I can get to the stage where I can run for 5 minutes plus!