I'm on week 5 & need help please!

Hello friends! I'm on week 5 & have lost 7lbs but for some reason gained 2lbs back... I haven't cheated & have been diligent & weighing food, watching my calories & portions... Thy only thing I can think of is I'm not drinking enough water but am a diet coke fan. Any recommendations...??
So really I have only lost 5lbs..., is that normal?? The thing here says I should weigh a lot less and i'm not where close.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    what do you have your goal per week to lose set at? with only 13 lbs to lose, I wouldn't expect more than 0.5 lbs/week. And you've lost 1 lb per week, so I think you're doing really well. Keep it up!
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Yes, you are doing fine. Keep it up. It's not water or the diet coke.

    Created by another user, lemonlionhart

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    You're pretty close to your goal weight - the "in 5 weeks you'll weigh" promises are going to let you down. Do you know what your average daily calorie deficit is?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    A pound a week is awesome, good job!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited July 2015
    I think I am going to make this into a blog post or something and just stick the URL in forum discussions!

    We all experience water weight changes. Sodium, exercise changes, hormones, TOM, all of these things affect water retention.

    Water weight changes can be large. 1lb, 2lbs, even 5lbs for some people.

    Weight changes due to diet and exercise are small. 0.5lbs here, 1lb there, if you're lucky.

    It is hard to see a 0.5lbs of underlying weight loss when your weight shoots up 3lbs because of hormonal changes.

    So what can an enterprising person do?

    They can record their weight in a program that generates a trend line which shows them what is happening to their weight range over time.

    www.weightgrapher.com, www.trendline.com, a good spreadsheet, happy scale on the iphone.

    I mean, folks, the choices are: you've eaten 3,500 extra calories per lb you gained, you haven't pooped as much as you should have, you are expecting a baby (and somehow I don't think they grow 2lbs in a single night), you have a medical condition that is causing edema, you have a huge tumor, or MUCH more likely, you ate too much salt, or changed your exercise regime and your poor muscles are hauling in water to fix themselves, or you ate carbs after being on a low carb diet, or you ate at maintenance or slightly beyond after being in a persistent deficit, or, you know, it's that time of the month!

    In pretty much most of these cases, this water weight will go away after a few days, after thoroughly spoiling your day today!

    So plug the numbers in a program and look at the pretty pictures, instead of being sad and giving up (or feeling frustrated and stressed) because your weight went up 2lbs when in reality you are doing FABULOUSLY WELL!

    M'okay y'all?

    Pretty pictures: Note THREE periods of NO WEIGHT LOSS in a 5lbs of overall loss month which even includes clear periods of weight gain! And no TOM to contend with either. This is purely from salt, lame levels of exercise, and the fact that we all have a weight range, not a single point weight.

  • melissa11012015
    melissa11012015 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone.. wasn't sure if what I was doing is right. I appreciate everyone's support! I'm liking this!!
    To Sophiaking6 how do you tell what your deficit is?