need some motivation or encouragement or something

So I started March 31st. In that time I've lost 15 (almost) lbs. Great. I still have over 15 to go to get into the "normal" weight range for my height. But for the last 2 weeks I've been bouncing between 163-164. I know this is far from an ideal weight for my body. Do I need to adjust my weight loss goals? Go from 1lb a week to .5? I thought of setting it to .5 for the next two weeks and just see how my body reacts... Also in 2 weeks I go from p90 1/2 -> 3/4, so maybe that'll give me a jump too?

I'm just so disappointed. I wanted to get into the 150s by august. I didn't think that was an unreasonable goal, but now I wonder if it is....


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I got stuck once for 3 weeks. What helped me was:
    set my goal to only 0.5lb/week
    then eat even more and feel guilty but gain only 1lb back
    and then I was able to follow the recommended calories here and I started loosing again, I lost quickly that 1lb that I gained and even more, breaking my plateau.

    So maybe experiment with upping your calories and be patient, first there might be a slight gain. Listen to your body and give it a few weeks... see how it goes!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    We all set certain goals but our body may feel differently. Some of us lose weight at a slower pace then we would like. The good thing about a slow weight loss is that it is usually permanant. I know its dissapointing but really if you have come this far are you really going to give up now? I hope you said no. We can do this, strong will, determination, and the right mind set! All good things take time. :)
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    Don't get too down - you've done great so far!!

    -Maybe play around with your intake - sometimes i set my target calories for a 1lb a week loss (1440cals) at others I set it for 2lb (1200cals). I don't know yet if this works but I've read a lot of theories about keeping your body guessing (cycling or zigzaggin i think this is called).
    -I've read on MFP about sodium intake too - eating too much can cause people not to lose.
    -Perhaps you could shake up your workout routine?
    -Finally, are you being honest with yourself about what you consume - I've not done this in the past 'why aren't i losing..i stuck to it mosttly??!'(not)

    Best of luck - stick with it - the worst thing to do is give up!!! xx
  • jclarewilliams
    OK, first of all, CONGRATS on your success so far! :)

    Second, I would agree with the idea of slightly increasing your caloric intake for a little bit - not by a lot, and still within the "losing" range, but just to give your body a little more fuel to work with. Have you been eating the same foods a lot? Try switching it up a little.

    And, you may try one day where you walk with some hand weights or do a totally different kind of workout. Sometimes I think our bodies are TOO good at adapting, and if they can "figure out" what we're up to, they'll adjust to be able to stay in the spot they are at. Gotta keep 'em guessing at what's coming next. ;)

    Good luck - keep us posted on what you did and how it worked for you! :)
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks guys!!
    Yeah, I'm pretty honest. Sometimes I worry the database underestimates but on those days I leave a little bit extra (maybe 100 cals) just in case. Usually I input recipes we make @ home and overestimate my serving size to make sure.

    I am hoping p90 3/4 will shake things up. Ug. This is why I don't like setting goals. It's too disappointing when my body holds on to its weight.

    Mostly I just have had this fear all along that I won't get below 160. Even working full time construction I never broke that barrier. And now I worry my fears are justified. I think I really need to relax. Sigh

    Thanks again :)
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    OK, first of all, CONGRATS on your success so far! :)

    Second, I would agree with the idea of slightly increasing your caloric intake for a little bit - not by a lot, and still within the "losing" range, but just to give your body a little more fuel to work with. Have you been eating the same foods a lot? Try switching it up a little.

    And, you may try one day where you walk with some hand weights or do a totally different kind of workout. Sometimes I think our bodies are TOO good at adapting, and if they can "figure out" what we're up to, they'll adjust to be able to stay in the spot they are at. Gotta keep 'em guessing at what's coming next. ;)

    Good luck - keep us posted on what you did and how it worked for you! :)

    Thanks - that's a good point. I wonder if my body just slips into routine too quickly or something. I guess we'll see. I am getting some heavier weights for P90 today - and then when I switch to 3/4 in 2 weeks maybe that'll help too