Tummy and Weight Loss

I see all these success stories on weight loss (quite drastic #'s) and I have always been curious but too shy to ask the question. From the before and after's I see they seem so slim in the tummy area (my trouble area). Is it possible to have a "slimmer" tummy while when losing 10 pounds? I am realistic and now it will not be a "six pack" but I often wonder how they do it and have concern about excess skin but maybe I am over thinking this because the goal is 10 lbs. W


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You cannot spot reduce, which means that if you have 10 pounds of excess abdominal fat, you will need to lose more than a simple 10 pounds for it to go away. That is because you'll be losing fat from all over your body at the same time. For many people, the stomach/abs/midsection is the slowest/last place to lose. But it is possible with patience.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As the above poster indicated, you lose fat from all over. Some places lose it slower than others - it is primarily genetics that dictates the proportion as well as how much you have there in the first place (as compared to other areas).

    It is likely you will lose some on your stomach - but how much really depends. You may have to lose more to get a flat(ter) stomach. Just keep losing the weight and it will get smaller.

  • bmchenry02
    bmchenry02 Posts: 233 Member
    keep reaching for your goals and it will come! Stop watching the scale for those 10 pounds and just commit to eating the right foods and consistently exercising. You'll see changes all over :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    I'm confused by the question. Are you asking if your tummy will be slim if you lose only 10 pounds? No one can really answer that because a)you can't spot reduce and b) we don't know your stats including starting weight, height, body fat %, etc.
  • aroberts1867
    aroberts1867 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm the same - have about 10 pounds to loose, but my biggest issue is my belly - if I relax I look pregnant! I'm just re-starting to eat clean & exercise (circuit, strength and yoga). I've heard that tummy fat can be partly caused by too much cortisol from stress - so I'm also trying to de-stress with meditation and long walks. Really hope it works. Please let me know if you have any tips!
  • rubyandmani
    rubyandmani Posts: 31 Member
    in the same boat unfortunately
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    OP never came back. For the others who posted about a similar problem, this thread is very helpful.


    Keep your deficit going, keep trying to lose fat and hold on to LBM with resistance training. Clean eating does not do anything for belly fat.