Logging just one bite..

so I've logged like a sample at Costco, it was half a veggie wonton so it was easy. But tonight I made myself a salad and made the rest of the fam spaghetti. I wanted to make sure it tasted great and was cool enough for the toddler so I took a bite with three noodles (gluten free, corn noodles) and part of a diced pork sausage, plus the tomatoe sauce (homemade, no sugar) and have no clue how to log it...


  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I'm not that meticulous about logging, but maybe you could just add an extra 30 or so calories for the day. Just a thought...
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I hope this is a joke, but if you aren't, please don't worry about those little tastes. Your numbers are always going to be a little off when it comes to logging diet and exercise, so don't even sweat it. It's more effort that it's really worth
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    Dont. If it was one little bite like that then it wont make a difference. I set my goal and try to stay + or - 100 calories of that goal so that something like that doesnt have to be logged. Now if you are doing that for every meal, every day then you could have an issue.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    When I take a bite of something and it's too complicated to log properly, I'll use the quick add option and add about 30 calories or whatever.
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    No joke, if it was something fairly healthy I don't even think about it, but with the pasta I was a little worried. I did lower my calories from the recommend 1750 to 1650 so I have a 100cal cushion for miscalculations.

    I try to log absolutely everything, I very much want this to work:)
  • Andiknits
    Andiknits Posts: 4 Member
    A bite here and there isn't going to keep this from working! :) Another idea would be (if you were worried!) to take an extra 10 min walk or bike ride, or a few extra exercises. But there will plenty of days you don't take a bite and that balances out the ones where you do! (Im a fanatic about logging as well, so I COMPLETELY understand!!)
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    That's a good idea, maybe I'll walk to the mail.

    Hubby thinks that about the samples at Costco lol, he says you work them walking around lol.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I either quick log 10-50 cals if I really feel I need to or I find the main ingredient (like if I have one bite of Hubbys bacon omlette) and log a portion of it instead of little bits of everything.
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    I'm surprised by people's responses... When I hit the overeating stage that many people call a plateau I realized that the two samples at Costco, the three French fries from my gf's McDonald's, and the extra bite or two during meal l prep make a difference... Depending on how many little extra bites you take it can be a serious amount of calories.

    I log everything. As a few others suggested already I often just do it as a quick add if it is complicated to guesstimate what it was.
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    Ya, I've made a very conscious effort to not nibble on my kids food when they don't finish, it adds up!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm surprised by people's responses... When I hit the overeating stage that many people call a plateau I realized that the two samples at Costco, the three French fries from my gf's McDonald's, and the extra bite or two during meal l prep make a difference... Depending on how many little extra bites you take it can be a serious amount of calories.

    I log everything. As a few others suggested already I often just do it as a quick add if it is complicated to guesstimate what it was.

    For me it was underestimating the calories in "0 calorie nutrition labels". The vanilla extract, cinnamon, splenda, etc. in my oatmeal, coffee, smoothies. Those calories add up fast and I start to question my progress
  • BronxBStanfield
    BronxBStanfield Posts: 34 Member
    I don't know about the Costco thing. I had a sample of their red velvet cupcake and a quarter of that darn thing was over 100 calories (I over guesstimated to be safe).
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    You probably burnt off the calories from cooking the meal! In all seriousness though, as others have said, quick-add or go a brisk walk around the block. I don't log my 10 minute walk to and from work or any household cleaning/chores to give myself a buffer for things like that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm surprised by people's responses... When I hit the overeating stage that many people call a plateau I realized that the two samples at Costco, the three French fries from my gf's McDonald's, and the extra bite or two during meal l prep make a difference... Depending on how many little extra bites you take it can be a serious amount of calories.

    I log everything. As a few others suggested already I often just do it as a quick add if it is complicated to guesstimate what it was.

    yup this is why I don't "take bites"...you can check the temp of food without eating it...

    a few bites here...a few bites there....doesn't happen for me.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    I write down when I eat a cheeto. I get calorie amnesia really quickly and if I munch 10cals here and there I could go over a lot. It didn't bother me as much when I was doing 2 lbs a week, but I'm only doing .5 lb a week and it's easy for me to go over. If I am unsure of the cal. on a bite I put 20-50 cal. down just to make sure. It also gets me thinking if I really want a munch that's going to put me over if I forget...
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I'm surprised by people's responses... When I hit the overeating stage that many people call a plateau I realized that the two samples at Costco, the three French fries from my gf's McDonald's, and the extra bite or two during meal l prep make a difference... Depending on how many little extra bites you take it can be a serious amount of calories.

    I log everything. As a few others suggested already I often just do it as a quick add if it is complicated to guesstimate what it was.

    I am very surprised as well. Log if you want to. An extra 30 Calories of "bites" a day is over 10k calories for the year. To someone close to goal, these daily unlogged bites can keep them from reaching it and not understanding why.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Quick add calories - I usually add 30-50 for cooking taste tests :)
  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    Ya, I've made a very conscious effort to not nibble on my kids food when they don't finish, it adds up!
    I went ahead and just lowered my cal goal another 50, so I have a total of 150 cal buffer from the reccomended calories to cover things:)

    And I for sure don't add household chores as work out as for me, as a SAHM it contributes to being 'lightly active' vs 'sedentary'

    Thanks for the help and encouragement :)
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    I'm surprised by people's responses... When I hit the overeating stage that many people call a plateau I realized that the two samples at Costco, the three French fries from my gf's McDonald's, and the extra bite or two during meal l prep make a difference... Depending on how many little extra bites you take it can be a serious amount of calories.

    I log everything. As a few others suggested already I often just do it as a quick add if it is complicated to guesstimate what it was.

    Add me to the surprised list!!! Those samples at Costco are not only 30 calories! I would definitely would give it a guesstimate and log it also. Better yet... skip the sample.

  • marinesKiwee
    marinesKiwee Posts: 31 Member
    ^i like to try new things to see if I like them, I don't want to buy something and have the teenager think it's gross lol. I don't mind logging the calories, as most of them are easy to log, if they look complicated I skip them. But yup all those calories can add up if you aren't paying attention.