looking for more friends with similar goals for motivation

Hi everyone! I recently became active on this site again and want to be friends with other women between 5 feet and 5'4'' who are trying to lose between 20 and 5 pounds - any age! Also, cool with befriending other people too. :)


  • sarahjeyoon
    sarahjeyoon Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'4" and I want to lose 7lb. My goal weight is 103lb.
  • EmilyEffren
    EmilyEffren Posts: 11 Member
    Oh my goodness perfect! I'm 5'4 as well and am at 154 and I would like to get down to 137. I've been unintentionally yo yo dieting and I need motivation and support from others who understand what I'm going through and the mental stress it drains. Is there a way I can get notification from this group?
  • KiaCeline
    KiaCeline Posts: 10 Member
    5'3 and working on getting to 125 which is 8 more pounds to go. Add me(:
  • gypsyish
    gypsyish Posts: 78 Member
    5'2" and currently 123. My goal right now is 118 and I may decide to go a few pounds lower once I get there.