9PM hits and I lose control!

It's really crazy how I can't control my mind! Because it's all in my mind only - no hunger, no need, just the want! Why always at 9PM, to undo all my day?

Do any of you have the urges to snack at night? How do you say no?


  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    I don't know why but I have been the same way the past two weeks. What I do is have my planned snack that I saved calories for. After that I am done because I have rid my home of all the foods that I would go snack on later. If it's not in the house I wont eat it. Since I know it's not there I wont be obsessing over it.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 420 Member
    I do. I have a hard time stopping it. It's like a monster takes over lol. I find that going to bed before the cravings happen helps.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    giloli wrote: »
    It's really crazy how I can't control my mind! Because it's all in my mind only - no hunger, no need, just the want! Why always at 9PM, to undo all my day?

    Do any of you have the urges to snack at night? How do you say no?
    I eat till 11:30pm each night. I just don't exceed my calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • cheloldroyd
    cheloldroyd Posts: 148 Member
    I either get a bottle of water to drink or go to bed. If the craving gets intense, I'll stick to some fruit. I also don't have anything tempting in the house, as I wouldn't be able to resist if it was there.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Go to bed at 8:45
  • TheChangeIsNow
    TheChangeIsNow Posts: 48 Member
    Same here. Fine all day, but 8pm - until I fall asleep - is definitely a challenge! Funny how that works!
    Two things help me:
    -drinking a couple glasses of water
    -thinking about how much I'll be disappointed knowing I did great all day and fell off at the last minute.
    I tell myself, no food will taste better than the success of reaching my goal!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    I work a 9p snack into my day.
  • k8mary
    k8mary Posts: 1 Member
    I sleep better with a small snack, otherwise I feel deprived and fixated on that. I usually have some sparkling water (maybe with only a splash of juice) and a single serving sized bag of popcorn. It has taken a few weeks to cut back to something more reasonable.
  • TheChangeIsNow
    TheChangeIsNow Posts: 48 Member
    Also, having a few sticks of celery handy in the fridge is very helpful. Very low cal snack. I always have some washed, cut and ready for my serious craving fits! Make sure it's ready though - that way it's as easy as picking up any other "bad" snack that might be around.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I was really beating myself up over this irrational pattern until I had my cortisol levels tested by my doctor. This is the stress hormone in your adrenal glands that works with your thyroid to control metabolism. It has a characteristic of being higher in your body in the morning and then dropping way off at night. My test revealed really low levels the entire day, but REALLY low in the evening. So - since eating ramps up the rate of your metabolism, I figure that the night time cravings actually have a biological reason. I am now on medication and - guess what - no longer feel the urge to stuff myself.....
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    giloli wrote: »
    It's really crazy how I can't control my mind! Because it's all in my mind only - no hunger, no need, just the want! Why always at 9PM, to undo all my day?

    Do any of you have the urges to snack at night? How do you say no?


    I could not resist!

    Seriously, I do have a snack at night, usually anytime between 8 and 9 p.m. I make sure I work it into my calorie goals.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Wow, do I ever know exactly what you mean! For me, that usually happens around 10pm, and terrorizes me until I finally go to sleep, around midnight. One thing I've learned is that if I exercise too late in the evening (natural night-owl, here) then I'd better leave room for a small evening snack, afterward (Did this last night and it worked!)

    However, like you pointed out, in most cases it isn't actual hunger for food. So when that 10pm peckishness occurs, I trade that in for some other little indulgence, like netflix, a pedicure, window-shopping on the internet of cute clothes that I am aiming to fit into again. Sometimes I read through old "Success Stories," or read inspirational blogs (without recipes!) Or, I'll make lists of things to do or re-organize. (Lists are love. YeahokayOCD.) Talking to a friend helps, too. Once or twice I've even played a little online Scrabble. So, just find little things you enjoy that aren't appetite or meal-related.

    Good luck <3
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I save 200 - 300 calories for 9 pm so that I can eat something to satisfy me. And if I'm not hungry I get to bank those calories for a weekend drink.... Win win win situation.
  • leviathas
    leviathas Posts: 37 Member
    I figure it's pretty normal to want to eat every two to three hours. I eat dinner around 6-7, so I save room for a snack around 9-10, otherwise I wake up hungry, or have trouble sleeping. I tend to stick to some healthy filling snacks like an apple, yogurt, air popped popcorn, or low cal cookies. I don't see why it's supposedly so bad to eat later when my body is legit hungry. I've cut back on bad snacking though so I shifted towards some better options. Seems to work so far :)
  • SparklySarah412
    SparklySarah412 Posts: 74 Member
    I like to save up a couple of hundred calories each day so I can have a little treat in the evening.

    Actually, quite often it gets to 9pm and I don't fancy my planned treat anymore so I don't bother having it - but it's just good to know I have enough calories left in my allowance to have that treat if I wanted it. I think if I had no calories left I'd probably start craving things because I always want what I can't have
  • Jennak87
    Jennak87 Posts: 112 Member
    edited July 2015
    I save 200 - 300 calories for 9 pm so that I can eat something to satisfy me. And if I'm not hungry I get to bank those calories for a weekend drink.... Win win win situation.

    This is exactly what I do. I leave myself a few calories so that I can eat something at night and stay within my calorie allowance.

    Sometimes it's not hunger for me either, I just want to EAT! haha. When that happens, I eat something low calorie but high volume, like a huge bag of lettuce with a little tiny bit of dressing or a bowl of popcorn. I don't know where you live, but in the UK we can get cadbury's chocolate fingers, they're only 108 calories for 4 and they're great for dipping into a cup of english breakfast tea if you want something sweet or if you're craving chocolate! Because you can eat 4, it feels like you're really treating yourself and the tea makes you feel full.
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    I've just discovered after 2 yrs that eating high protein/low carb/low fat meals for lunch and dinner means that I can splurge at my craving time (4.30pm) and have ice cream / chocolate /cake staying within my calorie/macro targets. It's made my 'diet' so much easier to manage!
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    I try not to eat too late at night as I suffer with acid reflux. If I get the urge to eat after 9pm I go brush my teeth, that usually puts me off eating. :)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited July 2015
    Save some of your calories for a late snack. Doesn't have to be much, just something you consider emotionally satisfying for a snack.

    If you're trying not to eat, make snacking inconvenient. For me, I don't keep food in my office and I don't keep foods I consider snack foods in the house. This means when I'm feeling the munchies, my laziness kicks in and I don't want to go drive to the store and get anything. Then I distract myself with the computer, art or something that I have to concentrate on, and the feeling goes away. Unless it's really hunger, then that's why I have popcorn I can make.
  • MegWaymire
    MegWaymire Posts: 10 Member
    I get that, and right around the time that I would normally get cravings, I try to make sure my food log is up to date and click the "Complete Entry" button for the day.

    The notice that says, "If every day were like today, you'd weigh XXX lbs. in 5 weeks" is pretty motivational for me. If I am over my calorie goal for the day, it reminds me that I don't need to proceed any further in that direction. If I'm under my goal, knowing that I'm working on making good progress gives me the little mental boost I need to say NO to snacks.