I can't stop crying, i'm so unhappy.

I have always had weight problems but in 2009 before becoming pregnant i got to size 14, only 1 dress size from the dream body after being size 18 - 24 most my life!

Now after having my son i'm back to 16-18 and so unhappy.

We are getting married 12th August and i thought i'd have lost at least a little by now but nope, i've been pre-ocupied moving house, wedding planning and being mummy that i forgot to even think about losing weight until i looked in the mirror today and it hit me.

I'm fat and ugly and going to look like a whale in a wedding dress.

How can i lose weight in 10 weeks? As much as possible....from now....and fit it in with un-packing the new house, being mummy and house wifey?! oh and going back to work in July!!! So so so so not happy!


  • Eatsleepkitten
    I've never seen a bride that wasn't beautiful - you have someone who loves you very much just as you are.

    I know these sound like platitudes but it is true. You can lose some weight before your wedding and I'm sure you'll look brilliant. But the important thing is you'll have an amazing time with the man you love!
  • chelledepriest
    I have a pretty busy life style with taking care of my 2 boys working full time, cleaning my house and a friends house, but I have managed to lose 18 lbs in 115 days! If you have a stroller take the little one for walks! I usually walk/jog/run about 5 miles when I can get out of the house before dark! I have also found tae bo enjoyable! I have found the dvd's at walmart for $10, would be a good thing to do while the little one is napping! Just remember to log everything and try to get in exercise, and water water water!! At least 8 glasses of water a day!!

    MFP is a great place to be, lots of support and motivation here! You can friend me if you would like!! I am sure you can do this, it is almost June but you have 2 full months to work at it!!
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    First, stop crying!! You are beautiful and your family is beautiful!!! You have so much to be happy about. I completely understand about feeling so unhappy about your body and I know it's so important to look absolutely stunning on YOUR day, and YOU WILL!! I've heard it only takes 20lbs to drop a size and you can do MORE than that in 10 weeks DEFINITELY! Just focus and constantly remind yourself of your goal! This site has helped me so much and I've only been on it a week! There is so much support here! YOU CAN do this and YOU WILL!!!! We are here for you!!! :)
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    I've been there, when my wedding dress fit me at the store when I bought it and then 6 weeks later I could get it on all the way I was so unhappy. I cried for hours and then when they had to fix it because I gained a whole dress size, I cried myself to sleep for two days. So my sister and I decided we needed to change and we had a 6 year old boy running the house plus my husband was living with us and we tons of pets to take care of I know the feeling.

    Easy simple changes can be made if you think about it at the store when buying food. Start with no more one can of pop a day, make sure the rest is water. Portion control is another one that we don't think of. And the first week will be the hardest but if you cut your portions in half no matter how "bad" the food is, it makes a huge difference.

    I lost two dress sizes in 8 weeks before my wedding, at the last fitting they had to do an emergency fix to the dress. I started at size 24 went to 26 then down to a 22. Its possible to diet small and still have a big effect. Don't cry, and no one ever looks like a whale in their wedding dress, I looked myself the same way but in my pictures I look good and I felt great on that day and so will you! I promise.
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    First, stop crying, there's no reason to be unhappy. You've got a baby which is the greatest gift in the world. You've also got the toughest job in the world, being a mom. You're getting married and you're loved. You've got so much to be happy for.

    Stay with us here and track everything you eat and all the exercise you do. You'll lose the weight and however much that is will be a triumph.

    Stay strong for your family and for yourself. Enjoy life!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I agree with Eats. You have so much wonderful stuff going on, a fiance that loves you, a beautiful baby boy. Concentrate on all those positives, then pick one small thing each week you can change and before you know it you'll have a lifestyle change that will produce results. You can do this, there is a great community of really nice and positive folks here if you reach out. My wife (hootsmamma) is a great cheerleader. Friend us if you need more support.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I know you don't want to hear it but I'm sure you'll look amazing. I was a size 24/26 when I got married and looked amazing!! As for losing weight its all about what you eat and what you exercise. When you signed up for MFP You should have gotten a choice as to how much weight you want to lose, and your calorie deficit. Try Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred and push yourself, Your goal isn't that that unattainable,In 10 weeks you could lose 20lbs if you eat right and work out.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    First, stop crying!! You are beautiful and your family is beautiful!!! You have so much to be happy about. I completely understand about feeling so unhappy about your body and I know it's so important to look absolutely stunning on YOUR day, and YOU WILL!! I've heard it only takes 20lbs to drop a size and you can do MORE than that in 10 weeks DEFINITELY! Just focus and constantly remind yourself of your goal! This site has helped me so much and I've only been on it a week! There is so much support here! YOU CAN do this and YOU WILL!!!! We are here for you!!! :)

    You took the words right out of my mouth! It is IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight in the wrong frame of mind. You have to have a can-do attitude. Just start doing what you can and you will be able to determine if you can do more. Do what you can. Start slow and don't stress out about it. Your hubby-to-be obviously already loves you the way that you are. So decide that you want to do this for yourself and start today. Best of luck to you!
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    You have so much to rejoice about , new baby, new home and a wedding to the one you love! Feel good about all that and then you will get the motavation to feel good about changing your weight. I betcha that the depression is the baby blues and that too will pass. Strap the baby into a sling carrier to ad extra weight while unpacking boxes, the bending and lifting while carrying the little one will help to bring up your heart rate and also give you extra toning, not to mention bonding with your bundle of joy. The baby is a lot more fun than a set of weights for lifting. Make a plan, get up, get baby ready for the day and yourself, then an hour of unpacking, an hour of walking the baby, an hour of planning for the wedding, repeat. Find time also to just have "you" time, when the baby is in bed, have a nap or a hot bath for an hour, then repeat the routine again. Things will get done and weight will adjust. Good luck and smile you have the world in the palm of your hand!
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    You know drinking 8cups of ice cold water burns around 70 calories and I will share one of my secrets with you, keep squeezing your stomach and other volunteer muscles, do this whenever you remember. Think at the cellular level, everytime we sqeeze volunteer muscles they burn ATP(energy). Look for Kapalbhati exercise on youtube. And most important keep smiling(uses 22 facial muscles).
    Congratulations on your wedding.
  • Mommyof3texans
    If you really, really want this and put in the effort, you CAN do it! My recommendation would be to eat as many whole, natural and unprocessed foods as possible and keep to your calorie goals set by MFP....lean protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains. Just tell yourself, for 10 weeks you can do anything, including eating healthy and exercising. By then, you'll be in such a great routine, you'll just keep it going!
  • sambfox
    sambfox Posts: 12 Member
    You have so much to rejoice about , new baby, new home and a wedding to the one you love! Feel good about all that and then you will get the motavation to feel good about changing your weight. I betcha that the depression is the baby blues and that too will pass. Strap the baby into a sling carrier to ad extra weight while unpacking boxes, the bending and lifting while carrying the little one will help to bring up your heart rate and also give you extra toning, not to mention bonding with your bundle of joy. The baby is a lot more fun than a set of weights for lifting. Make a plan, get up, get baby ready for the day and yourself, then an hour of unpacking, an hour of walking the baby, an hour of planning for the wedding, repeat. Find time also to just have "you" time, when the baby is in bed, have a nap or a hot bath for an hour, then repeat the routine again. Things will get done and weight will adjust. Good luck and smile you have the world in the palm of your hand!

    Excellent advice rhodenizer
    The Baby Blues are probably a big part of how you are feeling, which is totally normal and will pass if you hang in there. Brest feeding will also help if it is an option.
    A lot of people who believe in you are sending good thoughts today.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oh honey, I wish I could come and give you a big hug!

    You are under a lot of pressure right now, and your body is probably hanging on to everything it can - its really hard to lose weight when you're under stress. Can you do some relaxation classes, yoga or meditation to help you chill out?

    Every bride wants her day to be perfect, so your concern is understandable. Do what you can - take a variety of exercise, make sure your diet is as excellent as you can make it, and know that when you walk down the aisle with a big smile on your face you will be radiant.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    you're getting married, just had a kid, moving into a new house, and you are going to be working soon. and to top it all off, you're starting to get healthy. sounds pretty awesome to me! =)
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I have always had weight problems but in 2009 before becoming pregnant i got to size 14, only 1 dress size from the dream body after being size 18 - 24 most my life!

    Now after having my son i'm back to 16-18 and so unhappy.

    We are getting married 12th August and i thought i'd have lost at least a little by now but nope, i've been pre-ocupied moving house, wedding planning and being mummy that i forgot to even think about losing weight until i looked in the mirror today and it hit me.

    I'm fat and ugly and going to look like a whale in a wedding dress.

    How can i lose weight in 10 weeks? As much as possible....from now....and fit it in with un-packing the new house, being mummy and house wifey?! oh and going back to work in July!!! So so so so not happy!

    enough said, you have a LOT going on and some of those things involve stress and hormones, don't push too hard and drive yourself nuts over it.

    Maybe just get some yoga tapes and do some deep breathing and walk with the baby in a stroller and just say that your body is where it is right now for a reason but it's not forever....don't go trying to make it all fly off before the wedding, you will end up hurting yourself physically and mentally.

    it will happen for you
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    ps you will not look like a whale and I will tell you you are your own harshest critic. You are going to look amazing and you are somebody's mommy right now and that somebody loves you full force no matter if you are size 18 or 14....and obviously the groom to be is not as shallow and only thinking about the baby weight and what dress size you are.

    it will happen but don't push for a 10 week sprint go slow ans steady for a life long marathon....now if I could only take my own advice!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I know you don't want to hear it but I'm sure you'll look amazing. I was a size 24/26 when I got married and looked amazing!! As for losing weight its all about what you eat and what you exercise. When you signed up for MFP You should have gotten a choice as to how much weight you want to lose, and your calorie deficit. Try Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred and push yourself, Your goal isn't that that unattainable,In 10 weeks you could lose 20lbs if you eat right and work out.

    my thoughts exactly
  • simplysarahd
    I have baby blues too. I am crying for every reason and no reason at all. After seeing my post partum belly, I realized I looked like a deflated balloon all over.

    Try to realize it's likely baby blues and get help for that first. Then focus on being healthy, not so much on your weight. Well, that's what I'm trying to do. For me focusing on being healthy means getting support from people on here like you and tracking my calories.

    Hang in there and please don't be so hard on yourself.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    You sound like you could be suffering from post partpartum depression. Your wedding, moving houses and going back to work are all triggers that can increase your anxiety. If you havent talked to your doctor yet, you should.

    Logging on here today and documenting your feelings and getting them out is very helpful. I know you're tired, you're exhausted and you feel overwelmed but hang in there. Eating healthy is important. Dont graze, make a plan and stick to it. You didnt mention if you are nursing or not. If you are nutrition is even more important, and remember nursing burns calories too.

    Continue to log in here everyday. Documentaion will help you see where your weaknesses are. Also remember when you exercise you end up having more energy every day.

    Good luck .
  • lstone81
    lstone81 Posts: 5
    Take those tears and turn them into determination!! Make it a point to start focusing on you! Here's a cute little video you might get a kick out of - someone messaged it to me on Facebook a while back:
