Need support

Hello everyone. My name is Ebony and I'm trying MFP again. The first time I was successful in losing fifty pounds, but fell off and have gained that back plus another 20. My sw is 315 and my first goal is to get to 245, 5lbs lower than my lowest adult weight. Any one willing to share tips, be an accountability partner, our just show encouragement and support please add me. Every little bit helps. Thanks


  • michellessweet
    michellessweet Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Ebony, don't feel to stressed about "falling of the wagon" the important thing is that your back and trying again !! That's all that matters. The key to loosing the weight is wanting to be a healthier and more confident you. When ever you want to give into your cravings remember the feeling is just temporary and it will pass ! The thing is the longer you eat unhealthy the harder it is to change your eating habits .. They say it takes around 2-4 weeks for your taste buds to change .. So the longer you try the easier it gets. I'm not saying that you will never crave junk food .. And every once in a while it's okay to have a treat !! My advice is your heart has to be in it .. You have to expect that we will eat to much and that this is going to be a process that some days we just won't want to exercise !! But don't give up because in the end the only person your doing this for is yourself !!
  • shakyryn
    shakyryn Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with michellessweet. The important thing is that you are putting in the effort to start again...keep focused on the future, don't worry about the past. And be patient with yourself, if you have a bad day acknowledge it and move forward and start again with the next meal. Don't beat yourself up...
  • ebwats85
    ebwats85 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies for your great words of encouragement! I'll keep on keeping on and try to avoid having onto the past. That has been my biggest struggle because I want to be back there instantly but forget how hard the journey was to even get there the first time.
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! You can totally do it. I'm a busy mom of 4 and am down 45 lbs so far! Add me as a friend if you want.