Looking for some lesbian friends

aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
Hi everyone, I know this is a longshot but I've succumbed to searching the main forums for lesbian friends, I'm already a member of an LGBT group on here, but it's not as social as I'd hoped. Some more info about me: I'm 22, still in college, perpetually single, looking to lose about 70-80 pounds. I've been overweight my whole life which makes me insecure and it has held me back in meeting new people, I'm hoping that losing weight will help me to be less self-conscious, but first and foremost I want to lose the weight for my health. I'm also a huge nerd, cat owner, and proud (but wary of my nieces and nephew's evil-ness) aunt.


  • kaydeelayne
    kaydeelayne Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me! I too am an (obsessive) cat owner, 22, in college, and queer with 100lbs to lose.
  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hmmm.....lesbian with cats....of course. I've got three. :) But I'm also married (Thank you Supreme Court), have a beautiful 13 year old daughter and own a business in Southern California. Yes I have 92 pounds to lose but who's counting? :)
  • Kitausuret
    Kitausuret Posts: 1 Member
    Go ahead and add me! My goal isn't as lofty as some of your ladies but I hope I can be there to help encourage! I'm 22, student/retail worker, and pansexual (probably lean towards feminine personalities though). I've got about 35 pounds to lose. We're all in this together!
  • TeishaBue
    TeishaBue Posts: 31 Member
    Hi you can add me if you want :) I'm looking to lose 15lbs in July and then another 10/15 in August. Then 10 in September and October. Small goals make it easier to reach and less disappointing. I'm also doing at home workout DVDs that really help me stay on track :)
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Im a lesbian trapped inside a mans body can i join
  • msbrittybrit
    msbrittybrit Posts: 25 Member
    Court666 wrote: »
    Hey all. I am working towards a more healthy lifestyle. I'm 22 and a lesbian in college. I have lost 30 pounds thus far, and am a long ways from my goals. I am doing a water aerobics class, a dance class and am just working out at my gym. I am doing anything possible to reach my goals. Feel free to add me. :smile:

    I'm 22 a lesbian and lost 30lbs too lol!
  • AmyBuckley12
    AmyBuckley12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello people :smiley: I'm 22 and still have a ton to lose. Feel free to add me! Oh, also a lesbian :blush:
  • dnphillips91
    dnphillips91 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey my names danielle, i lost 55 pounds last year when i made the decission to join the Navy. Also im 23, and lesbian. Id love to support you on this journey, feel free to add me.