6+ months pregnant and trying to stay healthy (any others??)

Hi! I have been doing what I can to stay healthy/active while being pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and over the past 2 1/2 years I've lost 120lbs. I got to my goal weight a few weeks before finding out I was pregnant. Of course I was thrilled because we were trying and after all I had become a fit, strong, active woman! I was ready for this! So I thought lol...at first I continued to workout like I had been and then I got very sick and was all throughout my first trimester, unable to workout or eat much at all. After going a couple months without regular exercise getting back into it when I started to feel better in my second trimester was tough. I had lost a lot of my muscle that I had worked so hard for and my endurance is nothing like it used to be. However I do realize, as my doctor stated...I'm probably just being hard on myself (but that's the part of me that got me to my goal). I've gained more than I wanted to (close to 25lbs) but all I can do is try my best. My eating habits are not as good as they used to be which is part to do with being less active which I know from personal experience makes me moody :neutral: and part to do with just being HUNGRY lol! I do try to get a light workout in about 3 times a week at the gym and maybe get a walk in here or there. I would really like to find other women who are going through the same thing, who could maybe give advice or just be understanding :smile: Thanks for reading! Keep up the hard work everyone!


  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Not me. But soon hopefully. It sounds like you are being hard on yourself. You are doing pretty well.
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    7 months! Yes, you are being hard on yourself. Sounds like you are doing very well with keeping active, and those pregnancy cravings are hard to resist! Though I've found having healthy snacks on hand helps me eat better and resist the temptation for sweets and junk food.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    Your situation sounds like mine. I am about 17 weekd pregnant with my third child though. Prior to getting pregnant this time, I lost 65 lbs and was what I felt like was in the best shape of my life. I have always struggled with my weight. I too was very sick my first trimester and actually lost weight from throwing up and not eating. But now that is over with, I have gained that weight back. But I can understand how you are being hard on yourself because I am being hard on myself too. We worked so hard to achieve the weight loss and if you feel anything like me, I'm just scared I'm gonna gain too much and have to go through such a long and hard process to lose it all again. But you just have to be aware of what your eating, of course your appetite is going to be increased, just try to eat fruit or healthy snacks in place of all of the bad cravings u might be having. That doesn't't mean you can't indulge every now and then, just have one cheat day or something. With my first 2 I truly used my pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever, but now I just think of my fab body before I got pregnant and I try to remind myself it will be easier getting back there if I stay on track right now.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 7th month pregnant, and did lost nearly 120 lbs in 2012-2013, later just maintained.
    Ever since i realised i'm pregnant the food cravings went throught the roof tho. I also have problems with balance, and that effectively stoped me from about every excercise part walks :( I do miss working out.
    And my 1st ttrimester effectively rendered me useless. Nauseous but not vomiting, tired but not sleeping etc. @nd one calmed down with nausea only, but IT IS SO BACK in the 3rd , together with bloating, heartburn and leaking boobs :dizzy:

    I've gained 35lbs!
    Don't feel too great with it, but I felt downright bad , esspecialy becuse i was scared it might affect the baby in a wrong way.

    My doctor pretty much echoed yours: Stop being hard on yourself, eat what your body tells you eat, think about nutrition first, never about calories, the weight will drop off pretty fast after giving birth , esspecialy if you are breastfeeding.

    All the check outs turn out to be pretty good for me (just iron deficiency that i have to supplement for) and spectacular for baby. He is big, well developed , kicks like a herd of mules and has one strong heart.

    I'm hoping to loose all the babby weight in max 1 year. Tho aparently 15-20 lbs goes off after labor. My son is pretty big, then there is placenta and all the waters lingering too.

    Don't worry about weight too much, focus on your baby :)
  • Rachel5K
    Rachel5K Posts: 48 Member
    Sounds like a couple of you are being hard on yourself. I am about 6 and a half months along and I am already up 22 lbs. I gained 40 with my first but lost it pretty immediately following the delivery (thank you breastfeeding!) so I am really not going to let it bother me this go around (because it really did last time, I was a lot like you!)

    Eat to satisfy. If you get cravings, you are getting them for a reason. I live by "everything in moderation" so if I really want ice cream I don't need to have double chocolate fudge peanut butter custard (every time) ;) and can satisfy myself with a soft serve cone. I guess the best policy is to remember that whatever you are eating, your little one is also getting. You'd never take food out of your child's mouth, so don't do it to yourself. ;)
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    You are all doing great :smile: so keep up the good work. Even a short walk a few times a week is enough to keep yourself motivated. It is hard to curb those pregnancy cravings, so just try to make good choices. If you have to have something that soothes your craving every once in awhile that isn't the healthiest, well, go for it. You deserve it after all you are carrying another human being :wink:. I have 4 children and gained 50 lbs with each of them. It was hard but I also tried to just walk and eat healthier, but some women just retain more water weight and just seem to gain no matter what. I'm not pregnant nor will be again, but I wanted to chime in to say good job!!!
  • HDKramer
    HDKramer Posts: 3 Member
    I am on my 4th pregnancy and have had different experiences with each. I am trying hard to keep up with my workouts throughout. It sounds like my first trimester was similar to yours. I was running 2 miles a couple times a week prior to pregnancy and wasn't able to run during the first trimester. Now, I am lucky to make it through walking fast for more than 15 minutes! Ha! I have been making sure to do 30 minutes of weight/resistance training at least 4 times a week (I try for 5 to 6). I aim every morning to get in 15 minutes of walking on treadmill or eliptical just to get some cardio in but I usually can't get up early enough (about once a week). Don't be too hard on yourself; just do what you can. If you get frustrated, then you may just give up completely which won't be good for losing the weight after the baby arrives. Doing what you can now is going to pay off in a couple months when the baby is here. And congrats!!
  • ktaylor1188
    ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
    thank you everyone! :)
  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    I am in my first trimester with baby number 4. I teach body pump, run a few about 10-15 miles a week ,and do spin classes. I was very active prior to me getting pregnant and do not plan on stopping during my pregnancy. I continue to lift weights and do cardio. It actually helps me feel better during my first trimester. Don't be to hard on yourself. Listen to your body and do what you can. This is your first pregnancy so this is all new to your body.