Striving to be a smaller healthier me...

bigbabi74 Posts: 33 Member
Hey my name is Ella. I'm 28 and I'm over weight, high blood pressure, and pcos. I am finally ready to take charge of my life and weight. I'm here for positive support and weight loss tips. Thanks


  • airuhka2006
    airuhka2006 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Ella, I am Erika, I am 27 and also am over weight with PCOS. I am new to this app, but I have found it very motivating if you communicate with all the wonderful people on here.... And the success stories! They keep me going. Finding others on here that are similar to me make me feel not so alone. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like, we could make this life style change together!
  • bigbabi74
    bigbabi74 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Erika, that sounds great I would love to have someone in a similar situation to go thru this journey with.