Achilles Tendenitis

velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I think I have achilles tendenitis as the back of my heel hurts when i first get up in the morning and also after sitting for a while. It goes away once stretched out. I looked up the symptoms on the web as of course its the weekend.
Anyone else have any experience with it? I have been doing a lot of treadmill walking which is what I think caused it. My other exercise is the elliptical and pool along with free weights, balancing and some gym machines.
From what I can tell I need to stop the treadmill and anything that I am doing that pounds my heel into the ground or equipment.
I know from what I read I dont want to keep doing whatever it is thats causing it the pain as it may rupture and then that wouldnt be good.
I will call my ortho doc on Tues but until then if anyone has any experience please tell me if I'm on the right track.

I sure dont want to hinder my weight loss by having to stop ALL exercise so am going at this carefully.

Thanks in advance!

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  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I had this in high school and it flares up once in a while. The only things I can remember are ice, lots of stretching and lots of Advil - or your choice of anti-inflammatory. I would definitely keep up the pool workout.

    Good luck and take care of this!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I had this in HS as well and ended up in a cast for 6wks.:frown: I find it flares up if I'm wearing shoes that are too flat (no cute ballet flats for me) or lack good arch support. I also have plantar fascitis, so I wear custom orthotics in my work shoes and always make sure to buy running shoes w/ really good arch support which I believe helps both conditions.

    Stretching will help as well.
  • mok33
    mok33 Posts: 46 Member
    I have it too, and it was caused by treadmill use/ over use.... my doctor called it plantar fasciitis... and it's very painful.... I did the route with steroid injections into the heel, but the only thing that helped was stretching, and ice and motrin/ advil.... I discontinued the treadmill for a long time, and switched to the recumbant bike/ and or elliptical... also gave it some rest... and added the really good heel / arch supports to my sneakers [ the ones from Dr. Scholls ~ they cost about $50.00....] they are very effective.... it's been a couple of years now, and I can now get on the treadmill, but instead of going any faster than 3.1 mph, I add incline.... like I am climbing.... try to stay off the treadmill for a couple of months, but substitute other things...
  • icewyche
    icewyche Posts: 24 Member
    I have a recurring problem with Achilles tendonitis - it flares up when I do a lot of jumping in ballet class or, like you, when I sit down for too long. I take a prescription anti-inflammatory (I also have shoulder issues), do the recumbent bike and the elliptical, and make sure calf stretches and calf raises are part of my workout to help strengthen the muscles that attach to the Achilles.

    I also got better shoes - Nurse Mates aren't stylish, but they do work, and Naturalizers are also good. You need a shoe with a slight heel - no flat flats or super-high heels - and good arch support. If your feet tend to roll in or out you might also want consider orthotics, which can be anything from a custom-built insole to a simple heel pad with a slight slant to push the heel into a better position. Your ortho should be able to steer you better here.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    Glad you set up an appt. with the doctor. ICE ICE ICE. And keep up your pool activity, cause thats the best exercise you can do with it. Keep stretching it as well, but with caution.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the help! I am continuing the pool for sure and heading to the gym to do the elliptical. Unfortunately due to my need for hip surgery i cannot do any biking. Either recumbent nor upright. but Ill make do with what I can do! '
    Gonna call my doc on Tues to get an appoint. I should have him on speed dial since Ive had 5 surgeries with him in the past 3 years!

    Have a great weekend or whats left of it anyway!
    thanks again


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