That's what made me fat!



  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144

    I would eat it all day until there was none left in my house, then id vow never to eat it ever again!!! very nasty cycle! I think it was more of an addiction but i need to stay clear of that.....
    chocolate my worse offender plus any sweets lol
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    My love of chips and sweets!! I have pretty much cut them from my diet. I have learned to have a small piece and just be done
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Carbs, carbs and more carbs! That and spending the majority of my adult life (since I moved out of my parents house) chronically under-eating and drinking tons of 'empty' calories (alcohol and multiple energy drinks a day).
  • Without a doubt, fast food and eating out. One meal at a restaurant or drive-thru would equal 1200+ calories most of the time (1200 is supposed to be my daily caloric intake). So, it's no wonder that I gained so much weight. It is a bit shocking how many years I went eating almost 3,000 calories a day and not even knowing it.
  • Cookies....well, any dessert really. My husband manages a big bakery and he loves to bring home treats. I have lots of trouble saying "No!".
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    For me it was greasy fast food and desserts.

    But honestly, I can't blame the food. I was the one who put the fork in my own mouth. The food didn't jump in there!
  • Mine is very sugary sweet foods like cake and candy
    And way too much pizza and fast food when the hubby and I wouldn't bring anything for lunch (which was more often than not).

    I blame myself more than the food, but now it's all good and I am definitely more conscious of what I eat.

  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i was never an 'over eater' i'd walk at least 4miles a day...but when pg and then after having the kids i was always eating super buttery toast...i'd eat about 6slices a day just coated in butter...and snacky little cakes that i didn't think were more than 100odd cals....i haven't touched buttery toast in SO long! :(
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    What made me fat was drinking, eating a whole pizza by myself in 2 sittings, mac n cheese, burgers, cheese stuffed hot dogs, cookies, ice cream.. . oh the list could go on and on. College kids have awful diets.. let me tell you!

    Now that I'm home, I've cut all that out except for maybe once or twice a week.. still gotta my "junk" sometimes!
  • jmschweer
    jmschweer Posts: 7
    Anything sweet! This little debbie snacks are the devil in a wrapper. That and fast food, Taco Bell in particular.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I can throw at least 20 pounds of blame on Arizona Iced Teas and chips.
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    Ive always been active and have always eaten pretty well... My down fall is portion control...I have the bad habit of eating till I feel sick ... That and carbs, carbs, carbs
  • jrduenas
    jrduenas Posts: 4
    rice! I LOVE rice! donuts! and cupcakes! love my sweets!
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    I have so many!

    Butter (tons of it on toast, bread etc)
    Sweet things like cake, slices, biscuits
    Party food - a demon I'm still fighting
    The fat on roast beef and pork.

    Portion sizes were also a baddy.

    Thank goodness I've found MFP!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Pizza I have no control around it and will eat it so fast that I get sick.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    When i ate whatever i want whenever i wanted i reached a weight of 240-245. This included about a case a beer a week which is 10,650 cals a month. I've reduced that to 1/3rd to around 2640 beer calories a month. The funny thing is i never gained passed a certain point no matter how much i ate or drank. Other then that i rarely eat desserts although i do love ice cream i avoid it now. I don't eat candy , never really have much and i no longer eat bagged snacks ie chips, pretzels, dorito's etc, etc. When i eat pizza which is a rare occasion it's 1-2 slices and not 4-6 Being a PIG when it came to food and drink made me become like one Now when i eat i ask myself what benefit does this food do for me and needless to say everything i do eat now is nutritious. Amazingly i eat tons more food now then when i was seriously overweight and i've been losing every week since the 1st of the year.
  • w_sanford
    w_sanford Posts: 25 Member
    What fruits and veggies have carbs????

    All fruit have carbohydrates....fruit has natural sugar and sugar is a carb. Veggies that have carbohydrates are starchy ones...potatoes, corn, peas, some squash...
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    OREOS...when i was pregnant i swear i ate a bag every other day and downed it with whole milk...i still eat them now, but for special days and i'm all about PORTION CONTROL!!!!!!! :D
  • biznurse
    biznurse Posts: 81 Member
    Fresh Bread and Starbucks was hard for me to give up too...... but my health weighed over a few minutes of good taste!!
  • kristenpal
    kristenpal Posts: 2
    Without a doubt, fast food and eating out. One meal at a restaurant or drive-thru would equal 1200+ calories most of the time (1200 is supposed to be my daily caloric intake). So, it's no wonder that I gained so much weight. It is a bit shocking how many years I went eating almost 3,000 calories a day and not even knowing it.

    me too! I lived in the drive thru! and also loved those fancy blended coffee drinks....
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