How do I stop snacking?!

izsco Posts: 2 Member
I've recently downloaded this app again because I'm unhappy with my body. I've set my goal and I know how many calories I should eat a day BUT I CAN'T STOP SNACKING. It's so bad, I eat even when I'm not hungry - all because I get bored. I don't know what to do anymore!


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    You have to take control. If boredom eating is a problem, then find something to keep yourself busy. Start a hobby or craft, take a walk, read a book, do something other than eat. Unless you want to pay someone to forcibly keep you from eating, you are the one that has to decide not to overeat. There are tricks you can do to make it a little easier, but it still boils down to your choice.
  • akirkman86
    akirkman86 Posts: 89 Member
    I have started making fruit-infused water... more interesting to drink than plain water, encourages me to drink much more water which helps to cut back on unneeded snacking. Also I have found that the more I exercise, the less I want to overeat :-)
  • 95savvy
    95savvy Posts: 114 Member
    it take discipline and patients. a healthy life style isn't easy.. if it was, everyone would be fit! just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. it takes 30 days to start a habit! so bare with yourself for those 30 days, and it should be alot easier for you!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat lower calories things, like snack on celery or cucumbers if you're just doing it before you're bored. And find something to with your hands. If you're knitting a hand you don't want to get Cheeto dust all over it.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    If you are a snacker, plan for snacks. It's all about working within your calorie goal.

    I snack all day. That means that my "meals" have just slightly more calories than my snacks do. That way, I can eat all day long and still lose weight.
  • mesmar
    mesmar Posts: 1 Member
    You could try not keeping snacks around, or at the very least don't keep unhealthy ones around.

    I generally don't buy chips, cookies or things of that nature any more because I know if I do, I will eat the whole bag. If I decide I really have to have that bag of chips or some cookies, I will go out and buy a snack sized bag so I have the proper portion size. And then I reduce the amount of calories in my next (couple) meals and/or increase the amount of exercise I do to help combat the added calories.

    Generally, in place of unhealthy snacks, I will keep fruit, veggies and some nuts around that I can have if I'm between meals and really need something to hold me over.

    Also, take a look at your meals. Maybe there is something missing from your diet that your body is trying to make up for. I know I tend to crave sweets a lot more when my B12 drops too low.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    You have to setup your environment for success (remove temptation) and slowly change your habits. Snacking is a habit. You can't rely on willpower. You also have to be patient, because changing habits takes time. Some people make a rule that the kitchen is shut down for the night (as a lot of snacking happens in the evening), brush their teeth, run the dishwasher, and do some things that trigger your mind that you are "done with food for the day". If your snacking is during the day, or at work, obviously you will have to develop a different strategy. There are plenty of articles on the internet about "changing habits" and "how to avoid snacking at the office".

    You will have to put some effort into changing your habits. It doesn't just happen on it's own.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    errr you could um, just not snack??
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    1. Work it into you calorie goals for the day.
    2. Don't keep foods you consider snack foods in the house. Maybe it's just my inherent laziness, but if I have to actually go out and drive to the gas station to get a snack, 99% of the time I can ignore it.
    3. Find something to do with your hands that requires concentration. Snack can be from habit rather than hunger, and if it's from habit, you can distract yourself and make it go away. Take up sewing or art or some kind of crafting. Hell, go get some crossword or sudoku puzzles to work on. Anything to refocus your mind. Give it about an hour, and if you're still hungry, go grab something to eat.
  • LessofPenny
    LessofPenny Posts: 53 Member
    I am most likely the worst person to give advice on this subject, because I read your discussion in completion simply because I struggle with it too. Mine is late at night. I stay busy during the day and WHEN I am successful, I do almost everything everyone else suggested. But I add to it that I have to go to bed early. 10:00 instead of 12. I also tell myself that when I experience the greatest success is when I have heard my stomach growl. Think about it....if you have eaten your daily calories and you hear your tummy growl then it is shrinking which is a high five. When I have had no recent weight loss.... well, I just can't recall the last time I ate due to hunger. So, all of that being said, only you can diagnose WHY you snack and only you can decide if it is worth staying where you are or moving forward with your goals. Best of Luck....we are in this together.
  • izsco
    izsco Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have an interest in photography so I might start doing that in the evenings or something, or download a puzzle app. I do go on runs one or two times a week if I have time, I need to push myself more to get out the house when I get home from doing work all day. I appreciate the advice :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited July 2015
    izsco wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I have an interest in photography so I might start doing that in the evenings or something, or download a puzzle app. I do go on runs one or two times a week if I have time, I need to push myself more to get out the house when I get home from doing work all day. I appreciate the advice :)

    If you have time to snack, you have time to run! LOL Reminds me of when I was a teenager working and the manager would say "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!"

    Seriously, I have a hard time with this, too, and I'm not going to pretend I'm perfect at avoiding the evening snacking, because I'm not but here are some things which help me.
    1. Don't buy snacks, especially ones you know you have trouble with. If isn't in the house, you can't eat it.
    2. Instead of high calorie snacks, buy crunchy veggies or air pop some popcorn. Be sure to log these.
    3. Portion out snacks in advance. Never take the whole package out of the kitchen. I shop at Costco so I'll often weigh out single serving portions into plastic containers or ziploc baggies as soon as I get home. I can easily grab and go on my way out of the house or take one portion to the other room.
    4. While I'm watching TV, I'll play a simple game that doesn't really require my attention on my phone or tablet. It keeps my hands busy.
    5. Chewing gum
    6. I have a stationary bike in my computer room. I'll sit and watch TV shows or movies in there while riding the bike.
    7. I almost always want a snack in the evening so I pre-log it or save calories for it.