Such a long way to go

1mototh Posts: 11 Member
Hello! I really need to lose some serious weight. Like, 100 lbs!! I feel so stuck and it is so hard to get started. Can anyone offer any advice? Seems like it's just too much but I do want to do it! Thanks in advance.


  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! You can do this! Talk small steps. Set a goal of your first 25lbs and work toward that. Sometimes I find that when my circumstances look overwhelming if I break them up into smaller goals it helps.

    And remember it probably took awhile to gain that weight so it will take a while to loose it. That is okay! You've already made the first step in choosing to do it.

    Start by tracking what you eat everyday. What portion sizes. Get some exercise...even just a little to start.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    check out the success stories.
    Read the stickies, top of each topic. Very helpful.
    good luck.
  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    feel free to friend me if you like.
  • Parkercomom
    Parkercomom Posts: 67 Member
    I started with 100 to lose. Have lost 37 pounds since March. Log what you eat and weight will come off...this works!! Feel free to add me.
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I have over 200 pounds to lose, and I'm almost to the 100 pound mark. It takes time and effort, diligence and patience, but it can be done!
  • 1mototh
    1mototh Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! This really helps. Now, if only I can figure out how to friend people!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited July 2015
    1mototh wrote: »
    Hello! I really need to lose some serious weight. Like, 100 lbs!! I feel so stuck and it is so hard to get started.

    I've been in your shoes, not all that long ago. I felt "stuck" but for me what that really was *fear* that I'd never get going or be successful. Somehow remaining heavy seemed like less of a failure than trying and failing.

    This of course is total nonsense.
    Can anyone offer any advice? Seems like it's just too much but I do want to do it! Thanks in advance.

    Advice: START. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week when your parents aren't visiting, not when the dog is back from the vet, not when your kids are off to day camp. Start NOW.

    Set a reasonable weight loss objective in MFP and let it pick your calories based on your current lifestyle. 2 pounds a week for someone 100 pounds overweight is not unreasonable. Don't aim higher than that though.

    Buy a food scale. Log your food. Pre-log your food before you eat it if you need extra help in turning down seconds or things that maybe shouldn't be in your diet.

    If you are able to, exercise too. This will improve your health as you lose weight. This can be walking, running, cycling, going to the gym, all of the above or something else.

    And to get you motivated do as another above suggested - go visit the success stories thread.

    Remember: you won't get anywhere if you don't start. And despite what you might think today, it won't take as long as you think before you enjoy real progress, improved health, and if you exercise too, real improvements in your fitness and capabilities. You'll be fit long before you hit your end goal and that's a huge win.

    Case in point - I started at 255 pounds - 105 pounds over my "ideal" goal weight in September 2014; now 10 months later I'm down 75 pounds and am very fit from the exercise I've taken on and weight I have lost. I couldn't run 500 meters last fall without stopping and gasping; this weekend I ran a half marathon on trails and had a blast.

    There are tons of stories like mine here, many far more dramatic.

    Start today. Your future awaits.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @mwyvr Great advice there and inspirational!

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    1mototh wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! This really helps. Now, if only I can figure out how to friend people!

    If you click on their user name you will see a little person silhouette with a plus sign beside it (if you're on the app). Click on that.

    If you're going to add people it is usually nice to write a short note in your request as to why.
  • Sho0gy_D
    Sho0gy_D Posts: 108 Member
    Just the fact that you're starting is waaaaaaay more than what most people do..or don't do. You got this! Good luck!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It's hard to start because losing a lot of weight can feel overwhelming. Remember time will pass whether you do it losing the weight or not. Like the other poster said, you simply start NOW. Dont wait for tomorrow or next week or whatever. You take it a day at a time, sometimes a minute at a time. You buy a kitchen scale if you dont have one and weigh and measure your food. You lose in a sustainable way. In other words, find your correct amount of calories, don't starve yourself. If you can't see yourself giving up carbs or sweets or whatever, then made room for them within your calorie budget. Losing weight is not supposed to be some sort of a punishment.

    Learn to forgive yourself. Lets say you do great for a week. Then due to a family dinner or stress or whatever, you find yourself eating an entire large pizza by yourself. If your at all like me, for years I would then mentally beat myself up, call myself a loser and give up. Now If it happens, I shrug it off, (its only one day, or maybe two after all lol) and carry on the next day. Filure is not because you overate a time or two, its because you gave up.
    You can do this, but the right mental attitude is key.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Yes, it may take a long time. But just remember the time is going to pass anyway. You can either start now and stick to it and be at your goal weight once the time has passed, or you can not bother and be just as unhappy as you are now. If you don't do it, a year from now, or whenever, you'll be kicking yourself that you didn't start now. :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    1mototh wrote: »
    Hello! I really need to lose some serious weight. Like, 100 lbs!! I feel so stuck and it is so hard to get started. Can anyone offer any advice? Seems like it's just too much but I do want to do it! Thanks in advance.

    How much seems achievable to you? 20lb?

    start there

    then do it again 4 more times
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    1mototh wrote: »
    Hello! I really need to lose some serious weight. Like, 100 lbs!! I feel so stuck and it is so hard to get started.

    I've been in your shoes, not all that long ago. I felt "stuck" but for me what that really was *fear* that I'd never get going or be successful. Somehow remaining heavy seemed like less of a failure than trying and failing.

    This of course is total nonsense.
    Can anyone offer any advice? Seems like it's just too much but I do want to do it! Thanks in advance.

    Advice: START. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week when your parents aren't visiting, not when the dog is back from the vet, not when your kids are off to day camp. Start NOW.

    Set a reasonable weight loss objective in MFP and let it pick your calories based on your current lifestyle. 2 pounds a week for someone 100 pounds overweight is not unreasonable. Don't aim higher than that though.

    Buy a food scale. Log your food. Pre-log your food before you eat it if you need extra help in turning down seconds or things that maybe shouldn't be in your diet.

    If you are able to, exercise too. This will improve your health as you lose weight. This can be walking, running, cycling, going to the gym, all of the above or something else.

    And to get you motivated do as another above suggested - go visit the success stories thread.

    Remember: you won't get anywhere if you don't start. And despite what you might think today, it won't take as long as you think before you enjoy real progress, improved health, and if you exercise too, real improvements in your fitness and capabilities. You'll be fit long before you hit your end goal and that's a huge win.

    Case in point - I started at 255 pounds - 105 pounds over my "ideal" goal weight in September 2014; now 10 months later I'm down 75 pounds and am very fit from the exercise I've taken on and weight I have lost. I couldn't run 500 meters last fall without stopping and gasping; this weekend I ran a half marathon on trails and had a blast.

    There are tons of stories like mine here, many far more dramatic.

    Start today. Your future awaits.

    you look 20 years younger
  • LiveLoveLift48
    LiveLoveLift48 Posts: 379 Member
    When i first started out and i wanted to lose 50 seemed like a lot. But, then i changed my way of thinking. I started telling myself i can lose 1 lb =50 times. It made it a whole lot easier than seeing that big number i needed to lose. You can do it....dont give up!!! It wont be easy...but i assure you , it WILL be WORTH IT!!
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    Lean into it.

    In the first two months I started by only eating at a deficit, eating only pre-packaged foods as I didn't trust my own home cooking to stay in calorie range. I read all the stickie posts in the forums and read all the success stories and found them inspiring. I learnt how to track and use a digital scale properly through these posts. I didn't start with any exercise and I ate a lot of junk, which often left me feeling low on energy. My main goal was re-educating myself at this point. What is a portion supposed to look like? How will I navigate a restaurant? What is a realistic amount of weight to lose each week? (less than I thought)

    In month 3 I grew more confident and started to cook healthy balanced meals myself using the recipe builder and discovered it was easy after all. What made it easier was understanding the rules of weighing and measuring better. At this point I had many fall back meals to rely on which I knew the exact calorie count of, which made meal planning and prep less stressful. I began to pre-log everything, which was a big positive change.

    I started to add significant exercise only after month 4 - where I am now - once I was feeling comfortable that I had enough leftover willpower and energy (from better macro management) to handle it.

    My next step will be to up the exercise.

    This is what worked for me. You do what works for you.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    you look 20 years younger

    @rabbitjb Thanks, I feel twenty years younger too. I'm back to my brain age LOL.

    To the OP it really can be as simple as starting and not stopping. The time passes quickly anyway as another just said, so make the most of it and get going and keep going.

    If you have questions or issues along the way, ask here. Surround yourself with positive friends here who are on the same path as well as those who have made it and you'll have people watching your back when you need them.

    Looking forward to reading *your* success story!


  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Baby steps - log every day and log honestly. Remove negative people from your life and focus on any positive gains. Make friend on this site and in real life and motivate one another - review the success of others and tailor their plans to suit your life. Find a greater motivator that is personal to you and set your goals small and achievable. The weight will come off on its own when you do everything else - don't focus on it.

    Take pictures now and record data - how you feel, blood work, etc. so you have a comparison (and establishing a bragging point).
  • LilannB
    LilannB Posts: 99 Member
    I started making small changes to establish new healthier habits. I started by just logging my food honestly to see how much I was eating. Then I started counting my calories. I didn't cut any of the things I enjoyed out of my diet I just learned to eat less of those things. One example is I went from drinking soda everyday several times a day to drinking soda once or twice a week. I went from eating three pieces of fried chicken to two pieces to eating fried chicken just on rare occasions. Instead of getting mayo on my sandwich at Subway I got lite mayo which did not taste any different to me but had 100 fewer calories then regular mayo.If I wanted something like ice cream or a candy bar I ate it, I just made room for this treat in my calorie allowance. It was a lot of small changes over time that lead to big changes in my weight. All without feeling deprived or going on a diet.
  • 1mototh
    1mototh Posts: 11 Member
    Oh my gosh thank you all so much. Your stories have resonated with me and I'm going to get started today. Thank you all again so much.