holiday weekend, long weekend- failing on the diet badly..

moneil21 Posts: 20
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
well yesterday was utter failure as i went to my nephews bday and had everything i shouldnt have, and even helped my son finish his plate...not good, i couldnt imagine how OVER i went on calories... ice cream cake...HOW THE HECK do u turn down ice cream cake. Didnt go to bed to happy with myself last night. And this is my first me folks,.LOL I do wonderful all week, cuz im at work, easier to track food, cafeteria to choose to eat healthier way easier..come home and its a major stuggle!


  • I feel you on this one! Maybe a tad backward, but I knew the last two days were going to be full of lots of good foods, so I tried to up my cardio a bit to earn some extra calories to cover. The fact that you realize you went over, or was conscious of what you were eating and aware of it all?, how great is that?!?! If you are anything like me, before I started using MFP, I would not have given my eating habits a second thought. Find the silver lining with this, and hit it hard tomorrow!:smile:
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Planning is the key. I find when I have social functions to go to, that I plan to make sure I stay within range. Sometimes that means a extra hard workout, or saving calories for the meal. You can do this and I promise it gets easier but some days will be like that.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Learn the words "No thanks" and you will be fine!
  • drlynned
    drlynned Posts: 34
    I do a couple things.... I exercise before I know I'm going to be in a situation where the food choices aren't as healthy. Example: family wants pizza night, so I go run 3-4 miles so I can add on an extra 400+ calories to my allotted calories. Also, I tend to eat light in the AM and afternoon because my bf doesn't need to watch his intake, so our dinner choices aren't always the best, but I end up having around 700 calories to spare for dinner.

    Like today, I went over my calories. I can either dwell on it and beat myself up, or go for a run or walk later. I may not burn off all of the excess calories, but at least I'll get rid of some, and that will help. Tomorrow, I'll just start over and make healthier choices. Best of luck!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    First off, don't beat yourself up! I get the ice cream cake... that's my MAJOR weakness! Trust that this struggle will work itself out; like I keep saying to myself, the key is that I still keep trying; it is SO tough (that's why MFP is here).

    What I do when I know an "event" is coming up, is that I plan exercise in, so that I minimize the calorie overages that sometimes happen. I also do not deny myself the ice cream cake but only have half a slice. In the beginning of my weight loss journey, I couldn't even do that, so I shared my weaknesses & asked my friends/ family for support (i.e. only serve me a small piece then take the temptation away etc.).

    I had to get creative to avoid tripping myself up (still do). I wish the best for you and if you would like support/ have any questions/ just need an ear/ etc. please friend me!

  • allybtucker
    allybtucker Posts: 91
    You didn't fail, it was a cheat day, and it will increase the speed of your weight loss when you get back on the wagon tomorrow!! :wink:
  • cfinley21
    cfinley21 Posts: 18
    I feel you on this one! Maybe a tad backward, but I knew the last two days were going to be full of lots of good foods, so I tried to up my cardio a bit to earn some extra calories to cover. The fact that you realize you went over, or was conscious of what you were eating and aware of it all?, how great is that?!?! If you are anything like me, before I started using MFP, I would not have given my eating habits a second thought. Find the silver lining with this, and hit it hard tomorrow!:smile:

    AGREED! I know when I go over and feel like crap about it! For instance that butterfinger I just ate put me over my cals by 93. so when I get home from work I am going to go for a run/walk and play Wii boxing with my hubby! :) it will be gone in no time! :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    One key is don't beat yourself up. Log your food and move on to the next day. Remember: Tomorrow is a new day. Start fresh in the morning. Eat right and do some exercise. You can do it if you do not give up. Onward and upward!!!!!!
  • moneil21
    moneil21 Posts: 20
    yep, i did better today, and im gonna go for a walk when the kids are in bed. And tomorrow yet ANOTHER bbq we are invited to...oh I am looking forward to going back to work, how crazy does that sound!!! LOL!!! At least i can say i shared the ice cream cake with my son, im gonna hope he ate more of it then I did, and call it a day! I do not have the will power yet to overcome the dam ice cream cake, but its coming!!! I have to for my health...U guys r great! Always pick a girl up when she needs pickin up! Thanks!!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Have to laugh at this one...this week is of course Memorial Day weekend, but also my Anniversary and my son's graduation party. However I have remained under my calories not because I have exceptional willpower but because last Friday I had dental surgery and can't eat anything:sad:
  • moneil21
    moneil21 Posts: 20
    PS- I couldnt even log yesterdays disaster...i just KNOW it was way over and left it at that....
  • moneil21
    moneil21 Posts: 20
    LOL @ Irene~~
  • Keisha215
    Keisha215 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi.. I feel the same way .. I'm not sure what to do.. Everything i eat is soo salty or too sweet.. Class is over so now I get to work out more often. but my diet really sucks. I need help also if you figure out a plan of attack let me know.
  • I feel your pain, but all we can do is start new tomorrow. Thank gosh we still have tomorrow
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