will I hit my target???

Tracking my food and exercise through MFP and have set a goal to reduce 200lbs in 5 weeks.

I'm on track after 5 days and feeling top of the world LOL

What do you all say...will I hit my target???


  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    You want to loose 200 pounds in 5 weeks? Not only is that insane, no it's just plain insane :D Even if you starved yourself all month there is no way you can loose 200 pounds in that amount of time. Set a more realistic goal, otherwise you will be super disappointed.

    (By any chance did you mean to say that you wish to get down TO 200 pounds in 5 weeks. Because depending on your starting weight, then yeah it's a more realistic goal.)

    If you put in the work then you can definitely reach your goal.
  • Arunsuraj
    Arunsuraj Posts: 8 Member
    Hey...my apologies. Was a typo and meant only 20lbs.

    I'm 150lbs and 170cm so trying best to shed some weight
  • Hemlon
    Hemlon Posts: 37 Member
    edited July 2015
    A 20 lb weight loss in 5 weeks is pretty unrealistic. That's 4 lbs per week. At your current weight, you shouldn't expect that fast of weight loss.

    Is it possible to do it? Sure. But you will be miserable and unhealthy during the 5 weeks.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, is possible. Once I managed to lose 10 pounds in one week, but it was totally unhealthy and I easily gained the weight back. I'm trying a slow approach now, and I managed to lose 3 lbs. the last two weeks.
  • breahnalynnsherman7
    breahnalynnsherman7 Posts: 4 Member
    It is very possible. I lost 23 pounds in my first MONTH of training and dieting. anything is possible if you put your mind to it!
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    It is very possible. I lost 23 pounds in my first MONTH of training and dieting. anything is possible if you put your mind to it!

    In the fist short period of time. most people lose more then as the progress. The loss is mostly water weight.

  • jpgarch2
    jpgarch2 Posts: 9 Member
    If you drink cut that out completely. If you use sugar eliminate it altogether. This will help already. Pardon my French but you're going to have to bust your *kitten* doing HIIT. It took me 11 weeks to lose 30 lbs. No exaggeration. That's close to 3 lbs per week. I ate no sugar. No bad carbs. No alcohol. Eating 5 times per day and 10 cups of water each day. I went through Beachbody Insanity and when most said "quit" I kept going. 20 lbs in 5 weeks. Good luck my friend. My advice - set realistic goals. You're going to KILL your self getting to that goal and either be miserable and exhausted or worse, you'll injure yourself. I wish you the best. Please reach out of I can help motivate. I know how hard it gets.
  • Arunsuraj
    Arunsuraj Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks mate. 5 lbs done and I'm fairly OK. Also I alternate between 5k run and gym session.

    Having a diet mate would be nice