Max. Heart Rate of 223

loxoli Posts: 10 Member
I'm 22 and moderately active. I've been pushing my workouts lately and in the past week I've seen a max of 221, then tonight it got to 223. I've never really paid much attention to my heart rate during exercise, but done a quick google and got conflicting answers.

What does this mean? Is it a bad thing?

Also, should I base my target heart rate around this and stick to it?


  • donjshaw45
    donjshaw45 Posts: 53 Member
    Personally, I think that is too high and I'd probably check with a doctor before doing any more workouts.

    However, sometimes interference can affect readings, especially at the start of a workout when you first put your heart rate monitor on. What is your average heart rate for a workout?
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    How did you check your heart rate? For me, the exercise bike at the gym got confused the other day. It said my heart rate was jumping all over between 110 and 223. I checked my pulse myself, and it was a steady 150.
  • loxoli
    loxoli Posts: 10 Member
    My average on my last 3 workouts has been around 180. Like I said though, I've never paid much attention before so I don't know if it's always been like that or not. I use a heart rate monitor.
  • Aussie_in_PA
    Aussie_in_PA Posts: 100 Member
    Count your own heart rate for 6 seconds at least, then add a zero. i.e. 20 beats in 6 seconds and you should see a doctor (age dependent of course, lowers with age)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    My average on my last 3 workouts has been around 180.

    Are you experiencing any other symptoms - dizziness / nausea / fever etc?
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    What are you using to check your heart rate?
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Are you wearing tight clothes around your HRM? When I wear compression shirts, my Garmin chest strap monitor reads high. Check it against taking a manual measurement.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    what exactly are you doing to get a 223 reading? seams real high.
  • loxoli
    loxoli Posts: 10 Member
    I did get dizzy after my workout tonight. I feel lethargic, but I know I pushed myself too hard. No nausea/fever. I use a Suunto heart rate monitor with chest strap.

    Another thing, I am significantly under my calorie goal at the moment (I'm going to eat right now though). Could that cause a higher heart rate reading?
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    what exactly are you doing to get a 223 reading?
  • pmtim
    pmtim Posts: 13 Member
    I used a cheaper HR monitor and used to get similar results. Now I have a better HR monitor and have (I think) closer to real results. The new one I am using actually plots out my HR throughout my workout. I think 180 is on the high side for average HR, but it would be best to consult a doctor. Second best would be to evaluate it based on your resting HR and age. There are quite a few HR calculators you can find on line (as you are probably aware). My HR tends to be on the high side as compared to others my age. Not sure if any this helps but good luck and be safe.
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    I did get dizzy after my workout tonight. I feel lethargic, but I know I pushed myself too hard. No nausea/fever. I use a Suunto heart rate monitor with chest strap.

    Another thing, I am significantly under my calorie goal at the moment (I'm going to eat right now though). Could that cause a higher heart rate reading?

    You're pushing yourself to hard, how long do you keep your heart rate there?

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    I did get dizzy after my workout tonight. I feel lethargic, but I know I pushed myself too hard. No nausea/fever. I use a Suunto heart rate monitor with chest strap.

    Another thing, I am significantly under my calorie goal at the moment (I'm going to eat right now though). Could that cause a higher heart rate reading?

    It could be something - it could be nothing. Talk to your doctor to be on the safe side.
  • loxoli
    loxoli Posts: 10 Member
    I was interval running, but it was faster and my runs were longer than usual. My top was a bit on the tight side- I didn't realise this could influence readings but I'm glad I know now! I'll keep a closer eye on my HR during my next run, but hopefully it was influenced by something and not a regular occurrence.
  • loxoli
    loxoli Posts: 10 Member
    Oh and I know they aren't reliable, but most online calculators are saying 195-200 for my age.
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    Oh and I know they aren't reliable, but most online calculators are saying 195-200 for my age.

    That’s the maximum, yes, and if you stay there for long, you’re going to feel sick. I think you should check your heart rate yourself, to compare to what the heart rate monitor says. Just count the beats for six seconds and multiply by ten, like Aussie_in_PA said.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    Oh and I know they aren't reliable, but most online calculators are saying 195-200 for my age.

    It's not really the issue that you don't fall within the generic MHR given by calculators. Your MHR is personal to you.

    The issue is if you have consistent readings and then see a reading or readings which are noticeably different. Right now it could be that your HRM is faulty or you need to allow yourself more time to recover etc.

    Alternatively you could be on the verge of an illness.

    It's hard to know really.
  • gainer39911
    gainer39911 Posts: 125 Member
    loxoli wrote: »
    I'm 22 and moderately active. I've been pushing my workouts lately and in the past week I've seen a max of 221, then tonight it got to 223. I've never really paid much attention to my heart rate during exercise, but done a quick google and got conflicting answers.

    What does this mean? Is it a bad thing?

    Also, should I base my target heart rate around this and stick to it?

    Is 223 the average, or just a spike? I use a heart rate monitor, and it occasionally gives me anomalously high spike readings, but the longer term averages are usually reasonable. According to the standard correlations, at age 22 your maximum heart rate is approximately 190-198 beats/minute (bpm), therefore 223 is an unusually high reading. Individual vary, and the correlations give an average value, so some individuals will have greater or lesser max heart rates. According to an online article (, the standard deviation is 7-12 bpm (call it 10 bpm on average) , meaning that 2/3 of people will have a heart rate within +/- 10 bpm of the average, 90% within 20 bpm, and 95% within +/- 30 bpm of the average. Therefore, it is possible that you can achieve a heart rate of 223 bpm, but that is your maximum, not one that you will maintain for any substantial period of time. This may suggest that your heart rate measurements are erroneous.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Is there a specific reason why you're trying to give yourself a heart attack?
  • kweisman1
    kweisman1 Posts: 7 Member
    Sometimes I get wacky readings like that too. My polar will tell me the average and highest that my hr got. I'm 34, 5'8 and 155. My average last night was 163 and my highest was 190. I was doing HIIT, so intervals. I wouldn't worry about it, but make sure you girly ourself properly before and after your meals.