Hello! I'm new to the fitness pal. I have GAINED since signi

jdorsey614 Posts: 17 Member
I went from eating one meal a day, and dropping 3 lbs between days last week, to eating 1250 or less calories. I made the horrible mistake of weighing myself mid day, fully clothed after lunch and I've gained 5 pounds. I'm praying thats not the case when I wake up tomorrow morning. I am soo incredibly disappointed. I went to the store to buy ice cream because I was so upset, but actually managed to stop myself last minute from buying it. I had a string cheese and 6 cheese curls instead and am now over my calorie goal by 28 calories. Still I am even more disappointed at myself. Keep your fingers crossed for my weigh in tomorrow


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Mid day weight is not accurate. Don't fret.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Never weigh yourself mid day...you gain water and food weight. I always weigh first thing in the morning before I eat anything. You will have more success, too, if you eat several small meals (like 5 or 6) a day, and eat back most of your exercise calories. Try to keep your NET calories between 1150 and 1300 for the day and you'll be fine. Plus, you really want to weigh once a week, twice at most, because water weight and environmental factors affect your weight day to day and hour to hour.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    A) Weighing yourself mid-day is going to make you look like youve gained, anywhere from 1-10 lbs depending on what youre wearing and how much youve ate/drank

    B) If you were eating one meal a day you were malnourishing yourself, so the first 1-2 weeks of eating right you might gain, but after that you will DROP pounds
  • nbauwens
    nbauwens Posts: 14
    Keep your chin up.. don't live by those dreaded numbers on the scale.. pick a time of day (morning ususally best) and weigh yourself once a week. Your weight can alter dramatically during a day and who needs that discouragment!! Record each day adn at the end of the week you will likely please pleasantly pleased.. Good Luck!!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    eating only one meal a day is not good for you and you will always gain weight if you weigh in the afternoon. Weigh in morning after potty before shower or getting dressed be nakey to get a correct weight
  • Rena421
    Rena421 Posts: 31
    What is this about eating one meal a day? That is not good for your body! Try not to obsess over the scale. When I weight myself too often, my mood for the day is determined by the scale. I don't want feel good about the day and not beat myself up over a number! Weigh yourself once a week in the morning.
  • gfrank32
    gfrank32 Posts: 2
    hang in there. I am new here too. But remember that you do not get a true weight measurement unless you weigh yourself at the same time everyday w/ the same clothes on /off as well. You would be suprised how weight can fluctuate during the day. Also, focusing on drinking a lot of water can help too- if you retain water this will help flush that water away.
  • Tigerlily47
    Tigerlily47 Posts: 11
    Please don't be too hard on yourself and be patient. You need to be patient and I know how hard that is, truly I do. I wish I could just shed 21 lbs. just like that but I can't. I have treated myself occasionally with special food but now I am learning to do more exercise and I find this website really helps me to pay attention to what is actually going in my mouth by logging absolutely everything. You will lose..just don't look for it too soon and give yourself a pat on the back for not buying the ice cream!!! Add in some exercise and maybe you can treat yourself once in a while to that ice cream. :)
  • lunarchaos
    lunarchaos Posts: 14 Member
    You can't do this for yourself until you really want it. For your health, for your life enjoyment, just going to the beach comfortably, etc. But you DO have to do it for yourself. The people around you can be your inspiration but not your reason. That being said it might help in your case to plan at least one week ahead, maybe 2, starting with knowing when you will plan your week out. Look for recipes online or plan what meal is reasonable to eat at a certain restaurant. Schedule time for physical activity too. If you want it bad enough you'll make time for some type of fitness. And lastly when you have it all set up, Stick To It! I know it helps me if I have a plan to stick to, especially at the store buying food.

    If you need motivations you can try subtle ones. Put a small mirror on your fridge. Find a vacation you want to go on as a reward. I read another person on this site would put back $10 for every pound she lost. I thought that was a great idea. Buy an outfit in the next size down and you get to wear it when it fits, then rinse and repeat. Anything you know will keep you going. And if you have a hard day come back here. The people on here are amazing. When I get frustrated or upset I like to take it out on myself by working up a sweat.

    I hope this helped. When I read your post I knew exactly where you were coming from. It is hard. But it's not the end. Everyone gets a second chance.